Coronavirus (COVID-19)

But it might save the USA from exported it places.

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hoarse and out of breath. lethargic.

Jesus, he sounds awful.

He’s either drugged or ill.

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Wow. Blame the EU. But not UK. Sick.

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He certainly sounds short of breath. And like he can’t read.


Why the fuck does he skip over articles in sentences?

None of these are even complete fucking sentences.

Trump: Risk is very, very low

Also Trump: Closing off all travel to Europe.

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The buck stops… with your local officials and municipalities.

Lol ok

Lol this is surreal.

Can’t believe he has stayed on prompter this long.

Squeezing in bragging about the economy lol

Fear is a hell of a drug. This dude is fucked.

no financial crisis! no financial crisis!

snorting lol

He’s only stroked out on like 2 words so far. Pretty good for him.

He has shamrock shake in back of his throat.

Yeah, that’s what I just did - traced it out all the way.

by the corona (pause) virus