Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Italy is locked down as well! Tens of millions of people. They were one of the first nations to ban travel from China. The lockdowns don’t do a damn thing, bro. It’s a respiratory disease. You don’t set up roadblocks and expect it won’t get through. I’ve been saying this for a while, trying to contain this will not work.

If you haven’t been testing and your first case is someone local showing enough symptons to be hospitalised then drastic measures are probably smart. I am sure Italy wish they had done so and soon possibly the same for USA.

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This has apparently been verified as being true from sources within the DOJ.

Cool cool.

How can we possibly be handling this more like South Korea than Italy? We’re not testing. We’re not doing anything. And we don’t have better health care - at least not if you’re not rich. We already have crowded hospitals and ERs and shortages of health care professionals.

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Italy was unlucky as well. They still don’t know patient zero from the outbreak and my guess is someone with mild symptons from Iran that was a super spreader.

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Japan seems to be flattening the curve.

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Ohio State University shutting down all in person instruction effective immediately until at least the end of March. Wow


I’m not even saying closing down countries is the best thing to do. Shutting the countries down will absolutely kill people too. But, if everyone in the world is going to get this virus it would be better if not everyone had it at the same time.

Locking people down within a city and letting them move freely doesn’t do anything. Locking them down in their homes does. Italy locked down too late, like Wuhan locked down too late. Here’s all you need to look at…

Wuhan: Locked down too late, disastrous.
Rest of China: Draconian lockdown quickly, avoided disaster.

Italy: Locked down too late, disastrous.
South Korea: Extreme containment measures, minimal issues.

The US is going to lock down too late and we’re doing ~nothing to contain it. We also can’t be as draconian as China, and this is going to be the ~one time out of all disasters where you absolutely need a draconian response. Too many poor people will have to go to work, and there’s no way we’re just going to flat out pay them to stay home - and even if we do, it’ll take Congress a week+ to get that bill passed and it’ll be too late by the time it’s implemented.

The first few cities in the US will likely have their hospitals get overrun and a lot of people are going to die. When that becomes obvious, the cities that are maybe 3-7 days away from hitting the peak will hopefully start doing anything/everything to prepare and avoid that fate - they’ll fare better, but still have bad outcomes. If everyone else starts going hard as fuck in the paint to try to slow it and prevent it at that point, the rest of the country may avert disaster.

I feel like NYC is going to be the hardest hit, then Seattle. NYC is too densely populated with too much reliance on public transit, Seattle I think may fare slightly better as a result. NYC also has much more population density in every direction around it, which means it may be impossible to offload patients to regional hospitals. Seattle I feel like may have a shot at that, but I’ve never been there and don’t know the area particularly well beyond looking at a map. The Bay Area is probably going to take a pretty bad hit, too.

Boston, Philly, DC, LA are probably in that next tier. I expect a partial response that is little and late, but still has some effect hopefully. But I may be too optimistic on this given the lack of testing.

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Good for them. Proud of my Alma Mater.

We have no idea how true that is. I’m sure there were many issues, up to an including things that lead to people dying. Remember the thing where 500000 children died in Iraq because of sanctions during the Clinton administration? Shutting down a country will have an impact even if it’s hard to measure, especially right on the spot as it is happening.

Oh - just 11 other residents out of a facility of 120 died since 2/19. But we didn’t test so they don’t make it into the official death count.

OK, minimal direct issues from COVID-19 as far as we know so far relative to the rest of the world.

Redacted for privacy.

By the way, on the topic of prepping, if you live in a city where this is likely to hit hard soon, it is probably wise to have a fairly significant amount of cash on hand, assuming you’re fortunate enough to be able to do so.

So you see a scenario where ATMs don’t work but cash is still a useful bargaining chip? Aren’t we in a currency freefall at that point?

Lol wtf? Zikzak is it ok if me and my roommates regularly use gloves to clean shit around the house so we don’t ruin our own hands? I had a box of gorilla grips from Home Depot that were empty so I bought new ones. I cleaned the faucet and coupler in my kegerator today is it ok that I used gloves so caustic wouldn’t burn my skin? I need your approval please. My roommate works on mountain bikes at home in the garage can he have that second box or should I send it to you?

Living in Mexico and earn in USD but withdraw in Pesos. 1 USD had been worth about 19 pesos, but spiked up to 21.50 earlier today so I withdrew about a 1k USD in pesos. Mostly did it for the free 13% increase, but makes sense to have the cash on hand. Probably doubly important here.

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What do city wide quarantines even mean? If you go outside you get shot?

I was thinking more like you get it and your hospital is overloaded and you need to pay someone cash to drive you/fly you/whatever to the nearest city with a still functioning hospital because it’s your best shot to live. With my asthma, my preparation concerns are different than low-risk individuals of course.

Maybe stores start price gouging for basic necessities and not accepting credit in order to hide the price gouging. Or ATM’s not getting restocked with cash, we’re drawing live to that, and not necessarily in a free fall scenario financially.