Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Again. SARS was not a nothing burger. We ran way way way above expected value on that one.

I feel concerned about it and I don’t usually get shook about stuff like this. I don’t generally use hand sanitiser but may end up bumping some unethical pharmaceutical companies profit up by buying some. Or maybe just eucalyptus oil and aloe vera from the garden if I remain chill.

Was MERS also everyone running way way above expectation? I’m not going to say many hundreds of people dead is a nothingburger, just to be clear.

Isn’t hand sanitizer mostly just ethanol? I’m not sure big pharma is making gobs of money off of that.

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but I want to give them nothing!

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I took virology when I was doing my biology MS. Currently doing PhD in a bsl2 microbiology lab (legionella). I’ll give it to you straight but I’m not in china or working on this virus directly. If I read something reported in the NYT or wapo that I know is wrong I’ll let you guys know


I kinda think you could just buy Everclear and mix it with some perfume and get the same effect, but you shouldn’t take medical advice from me.

My mom is constantly badgering me to get my yearly flu shot, so you all should take that to heart.

It’s just not me. I don’t get sick very often anyway. I do obviously wash my hands.

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Never had a flu shot in my life, so I guess I’m a goner. The proposition is not unwelcome, at least I wouldn’t have to pay off student loans anymore.

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Flu shot won’t help against this but they are good and you should get them, was already discussed in another thread featuring people who have gotten sick this year.


I respect the commitment to the GOOP lifestyle.


My understanding is that MERS is very fatal but much harder to catch, which makes it less of a threat.

SARS was fatal and easier to catch. We just caught it and stopped it early. It could have played out very differently.

Flu shots are free with any insurance and you can get them at any pharmacy now in five minutes. There is no reason whatsoever not to get a flu shot.

Tough to make comparisons because we’ve never had an outbreak like this with our current level of technology/interconnectedness.

I think it largely depends on China’s response. Rn 50 million people are under quarantine and they’re in process of building 3 1000-bed hospitals just for this

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I read all the Urban Dictionary entries for GOOP, and I can’t figure out what it means in this context?

I want to make a joke here about WUHAN death being more effective than bankruptcy for freeing one’s loan obligations.

I don’t know that this is true. R0 went to 0.4 after control measures were introduced. Though I guess it might have been bad if it had gotten out of hand in countries with poor infrastructure.

I’ve gotten them like three times and I always feel like shit in following days so I stopped. Maybe it’s a dumb reason but it’s definitely a reason.

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I once spiked a fever after getting one that lasted a few hours. It’s still +EV and +EU to get one.