Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ya fuck experts.

You’re fucking dense. It’s not fuck experts. It’s fuck “experts”. You know, “experts” like oil executives setting environmental policy.

  • I don’t want oil executives setting environmental policy

  • I don’t want scientists setting environmental policy

Same thing, right?

Everybody uptight today for some reason.

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That’s my mentality. Dabbled in an unmanaged index fund in December. Up slightly since then but I probably don’t want to look at it now. I’m too young to worry about the short term. Just gotta stick with it and hope scientists and doctors can figure this shit out.

Is there a lot of paperwork? Seems like those planes got here and CDC was all OK you guys are going to stay here for a 14 day voluntary quarantine. Then one guy on the Wuhan plane said no thanks I’m leaving and the CDC was all like if you leave we will shoot you and then they announced it was doing a voluntary quarantine for 174 people and a mandatory quarantine for one person. If there is a city that has thousands of cases I think the CDC could similarly order “Contagion”-style isolation of cities and states if they deem it necessary.

Probably because we’re all about to die.


Whelp…looks like it’s time for me to order that Borat-style swimsuit…

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lol as if anyone is arguing for that.

Closely rubbing your face and body up against professionals who rub their bodies against tourists from around the world sounds like a bad idea until you see in person how hot they are


You’re been arguing that a logistics expert (who is admittedly coming off a bad year and is concerned about his already low margins) is providing expert advice on this here virus issue and I’m an idiot for discounting it.

I’m just going to stop responding to you on this subject now, as I’ve seen how you operate and nobody needs this to go on for another 3 weeks…


Dow is down almost 1k

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Good news, we are running a smaller than usual deficit and have all the monetary tools necessary to lower rates to stave off a recession all fucked.


My local CVS had Corona virus signs up today.

The wealthy will be fine, don’t worry. They’re safe.


This is really it. Would I be as worried about the state of the hundreds of thousands of small businesses that collectively move everything any of you consume around the country to where it needs to go if they weren’t already in very bad shape? Nope.

The reality is that this economy is incredibly hollow. Everything about it is built on an incredibly precarious sand foundation. The profits of large corporations are based on not having to pay their employees a living wage, the ability to screw their vendors, access to cheap unlimited credit, and a whole host of other favorable factors. The (high) price of houses is based on the imaginary ability of millenials to pay those prices for them over the long term. Meanwhile the government is running a trillion dollar a year deficit and the tangible benefits the population is feeling from that absurd amount of spending is super minimal (unless you’re part of a few privileged groups who derive a huge % of their income from the government).

Something was always going to catch us with our pants down. A global pandemic was for sure on the bingo card.

Dow down 1k+ and Dow and S&P 500 now down for 2020.

Posting this again. It’s very relevent to the discussion in the last 60 or so posts.

Keep going past the hyped up first few paragraphs. It gets very good.

There’s a quote in there about how we now need to stop trying to prevent it from coming here and “them” giving it to “us” and instead transition to preventing us from giving it to each other.

In terms of victory laps. Pretty sure I nailed it in my OP and in subsequent posts.

The approach was to focus on the facts we knew and extrapolate from there to a range of outcomes. Pretty obvious on a poker board.

Opposing approaches were generalizing from other similar events.

I.e. its “we should fold JJ pre because of the action”

“Naaaaah JJ is always a favourite”


Can you elaborate on why the logistics/trucking industry was hard hit in 2019? Genuinely curious, not calling you out for being disingenuous. Thanks.

It was a hangover from a very good year. Basically there were new regulations that restricted the supply of truck hours (it was called the elog mandate and you can look it up if you’re super interested, I’m not trying to get mega detailed about it and derail this thread) at the start of 2018 which drove a trucking boom and 2019 was the bust that followed. It’s really not over it yet. Also the trade war very much didn’t help.

Of course everyone (absolutely including me) invested heavily in expanding capacity during the boom months… so the amount of retained earnings from 2018 left a lot to be desired when things turned.

2019 already culled an extremely large number of common carriers. Coronavirus will without a doubt kill more almost no matter what we do. Not least because so many truckers are squarely in the crosshairs of this virus demographically.

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