Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

You mean Nikkei (Japanese-Peruvian) restaurants? I know there are a lot of Peruvian restaurants.

If you have any specific recommendation in the Bay please share.

On a similar note I had a very good meal this week at Burmatown in Marin county.

What I’ve been to is authentic Peruvian in San Mateo and the city. Would like to try Nikkei, but I haven’t had the opportunity yet.

Peruvian cuisine has lots of influences from Japanese and Chinese cuisines. In Lima you can barely walk two blocks without running into a chifa.

However, the nikkei restaurants are more of a recent trend that is proving to be really popular. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to try too many Nikkei places. Next time I visit Lima I have to make it a point to go to Maido.

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I just googled the restaurant i went to in Barcelona and google says permanently closed :frowning:

One of the best meals i ever had

How much of the paste would you use for that recipe?

I’d say two tablespoons, but you can adjust up or down depending on the spice level. The paste is not meant to add heat, but some of them do.

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I think this was one of the recipes in the Dessert Person book my wife wanted to make until she saw Claire had you make your own puff pastry. It looks great, how did it taste? Or does Canadian Thanksgiving dinner take place at actual dinner time, so you won’t know how it tasted for another few hours?

Guac, chips, salsas and a fish taco at el molino central. . I’m not good at taking food pic but highly recommended if anyone is around Napa/Sonoma.


made nytimes chicken vesuvio for a second time in two weeks. it definitely came out better.


It was really good. The pastry is super easy. It’s a cheat puff.

What should I make for dinner? I have the ingredients for all of these dishes.
  • Sausage sub with sautéed peppers and onions.
  • Stove top ground beef with tomatoes, green peppers, onions and rice.
  • Chicken stir-fry with peppers, onions, mango, sweet Thai chili sauce and rice.
  • Shrimp stir-fry, otherwise similar to above

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Thanks for everyone’s help.

Thai Chili Shrimp it is!

I haven’t made shakshuka in maybe two months. Going to get it back in my weekly rotation.

Trying out a rigatoni Genovese for the first time, aka




Needs more rigatoni.

I don’t generally cook my pasta 4 hrs in advance.

Making progress. Volume down by about half


Is this only happening because the Seahawks aren’t playing today?

Nah, it hasn’t needed much babying. I wouldn’t be bad to stir occasionally between stoppages.

Unfortunately, Seahawks probably not really playing tomorrow either.

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