Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Pudd'nhead Donnie

Winning? Of course.
Pardoning himself? Sure
Resigning? Lol no. He ain’t resigning no matter what.


My thinking is that Trump already has the racist part of the base locked up but he doesn’t have all of the Rs locked up who voted for her in the primary (some after she dropped out).

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Politicians say a lot of things, but at the end of the day most of them are whores.

Dude that is the second time in as many days you have used that word. It’s highly derogatory to sex workers. This is a progressive forum. You should really remove it from your vocabulary.


Serious question. Is it derogatory if you’re not talking about sex work at all?

If I mentioned bonus whoring (like at an online casino) is that wrong too?

I see. He’s saying he has a GREAT CASE for a directed verdict, which he thinks means the judge must declare him not guilty. So he’s just throwing crap against the wall. Usually he’s describing the case against him as a hoax, witch hunt, should never have been brought or whatever so GREAT CASE threw me off.

Find me highly derogatory term that conveys the same meaning that I can replace it with.

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Like everything context matters but the entire premise of its use, even in that context, is that sex work is disgusting and something that should be derided.


Same logic everyone uses to continue using every racist and demeaning phrase.

Anyway, I don’t want to start a whole thing. Just thought you should rethink your daily use of it.

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Anyone else interested in a thread?

The “find me an alternative to this problematic term or phrase” thread?

I’ve got a few to ask and a couple to offer.


I see where you’re coming from, but in addition to content I consider intent and whether it actually offends.

I think “casino bonus whoring” has zero ill intent and I doubt it would offend any sex workers*, so I don’t find it problematic.

*if one were to tell me that they found it offensive, that would change my view.


Don’t say ****


As I mentioned, I agree the context matters and I wouldn’t mention it to someone in that context. It’s like other terms with awful history that no longer contains the offence like master bedroom, off the reservation or gypped. The world would be better without them but language contains its history. Bruce however was using it in a way directly targeting sex workers.

We’re house searching right now and I’m having a hell of a time not saying master bedroom, for some reason

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The original floor plan of my apartment, built in the 1920s, says main chamber. I wonder when master bedroom became a common term.

“The first recorded usage of “master bedroom” seems to have been in a 1926 Modern Homes catalog by Sears, Roebuck and Co. The pamphlet offered potential buyers a kit they could use to build their own homes. A “master’s bedroom” was referenced in the second-floor description of the most expensive home in the catalog, but not in the floor plan itself. Before this reference, most floor plans used the word “chamber” when referring to bedrooms.”

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The word you’re looking for is “mercenary.” Clovis seems to be making a reasonable ask imo.

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I think it would be a mistake for Trump to believe the people voting for Haley in the primaries would all of the sudden vote for him in the general election.

That’s very much not the word I’m looking for and I actually put some thought into my word selection while anticipating how Clovis would react.

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