Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Pudd'nhead Donnie

If I were making needed $$ off of casino bonuses, I would consider that a derogatory term. I’d prefer you call me a bonus whiz or savant

Both whore and prostitute mean essentially the same thing. Yet, prostitute seems more polite, while calling someone a whore seems purposely rude and more offensive to me

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Most sex workers would not use prostitute either, but I agree it’s less offensive.

lol, I have known a lot of people who relied on bonuses, rake back, etc (including myself) and it was never an issue.

Used to make 1.5-2k per month on that crap

I wouldn’t know, but its definition is literally to engage in sex for money. Whereas, whore also has a 2nd meaning to be promiscuous

Again, whore is the more offensive word to me. Prostitute just is what it is. If you sell sex for pay, you’re a prostitute. I see nothing wrong with that. But I’m willing to be educated

Edit: But I also have no problem with prostitution and don’t look down on those in the field

I like “bonus grubbing.”

So when you’re sweet old nana is in town for xmas and asks what you do, you tell her that you’re a whore? And if she asks what kind, you say bonus?

I get that it’s a common place term nowadays and bonus whoring has become synonymous with hard work to people familiar with it. But you’re not gonna convince me that term whore itself doesn’t have negative connotations to it


According to my late mother, who was born in 1931:

A prostitute has sex for money.
A whore screws a lot of guys, maybe or maybe not for money
A tramp screws a lot of guys just because.


What were her male equivalents?

I think she presumed they were all sailors–or at least men who drank in taverns.

Has anyone met an irl human who is personally offended by “master bedroom”?

I’m not doubting they exist, I’m just curious how common they might be.

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This thread is the fist suggestion I’ve ever heard that it might be problematic.


My point was it’s not considered offensive even with its racist origin.

Man, I just want a term for someone who trades services for money that is sufficiently derogatory that traditional views of masculinity would create an expectation that her husband ought to challenge me to fisticuffs if I said it to her face in his presence.

I’m not personally filled with rage by Robert E Lee statues either and I doubt many people were walking by them shaking their fists (I could be wrong), but imo that’s only because of how ingrained this stuff is in our language/culture.


I get that you don’t think it is offensive. However the NYT article seems to suggest that some people do.

Also per the NYT article, they did a deep dive and apparently it actually did not have a racist origin that they could trace. The racial connotation is coincidental. Bigoldnit already posted the most relevant excerpt but here is some more.

In actual DJT news, just a normal “truth”

With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our Country, we will rout the Fake News media, we will Drain the Swamp, and we will liberate our Country from these tyrants and villains once and for all.

Like those PATRIOTS before us, we will not bend. We will not break. We will not yield. We will never give in, we will never give up, and we will never, ever back down.

With your support, we will go on to victory the likes of which no one has ever seen, and we will evict Crooked Joe Biden from the White House on November 5th, 2024!

The Great Silent Majority is rising like never before—and under our leadership, the Forgotten Man and Woman Will Be Forgotten No Longer!

I think that’s a bit different. Even if no one is offended, it’s wrong to glorify and celebrate a guy who was fighting his hardest to keep people enslaved.

This isn’t the best analogy, but the “master bedroom” thing is like if some old white racist dude was a big fan of slavery and Lee in particular and then decided to name his kid Robert E. Lee.

Now imagine this Robert E. Lee goes on to do some good things (and also abhors slavery), but he’s not that famous. Now the high school he graduated from wants to name itself after that guy (genuinely, not trolling). A few decades later someone wants to rename it because we can’t really even honor the OG Robert E. Lee inadvertently. I guess I can see both sides of that one is all I’m saying.

A batter example might be calling somebody a cocksucker. I don’t really think of it as homophobic (maybe I’m in the minority on that), but it clearly is no matter how anybody means it.

It’s definitely homophobic.


Yeah, I think that has a lot of the same elements. No one is really thinking about what it means at all. It’s just a generic expletive. And if you watch a couple of seasons of Deadwood, you almost can’t stop dropping it left and right.