Do they actually use feet and inches for heights in Ireland?
They do in England. England they use miles instead of km and feet and inches for height, weight is often stone. Metric for everything else.
They use stone
Trump probably used to be 6’3", but since he’s old, he has shrunk like everyone does. But of course, he’s so egotistical and insecure that he still says he’s 6’3".
Pounds for money and stone for weight is why Americans won the revolution.
Trump has never been 6’3" lol
And what will 1,000 pounds be called, sir?
Six sticks three twigs, m’lord.
Not a serious country
You asked about the temperature?
I did not.
I thjnk it is pretty common for guys to keep their highest height measurement for eternity.
Tiffany 2028
I thjnk it is pretty common for guys to keep their highest height measurement for eternity.
A couple of years ago, I had to take a physical for insurance and when the nurse measured me, I discovered I had shrunken about a 1/2" from college. That was depressing AF and I’m not even sure why. Being a slightly shorter manlet shouldn’t affect me in any meaningful way.
It’s even more depressing when you weren’t tall to begin with.
It’s even more depressing when you weren’t tall to begin with.
I went from just over 5’9" to just under. Allegedly. I told myself that I should go home and verify, but I never did. Can’t handle the truth.
Yeah, I’m still 6’ tall, even though the tape measure probably doesn’t even read 5’ 11" anymore. I don’t care to confirm. I’m 6’ tall.