Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Hail to the Thief

Maybe Queen and Tears for Fears just really like state fairs?


Naw they love the arenas still lingering of each other’s vibes

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This is a bit different from what I’m interested in. What I want to know is how much they made from just the song. If it leads to endorsements, other performances, sales of other albums, etc., then that is separate, imo.

Sorry :cry:

Don’t be. That’ was also very interesting info! Just different.

The opposite of a one-hit wonder, but a nice look at what an iconic song can net an artist.


That’s an insane amount of cash for a shit song,

Nah, it’s a decent song - just gets played a gazillion too many times.

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There is exactly one good Christmas song. Fairytale in New York. All other Christmas music is a cancer on our collective lives. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I said exactly this to my kid yesterday (virtually word for word) when Fairytale came on the radio. It’s the only legit good one.

Mariah’s is alright, but I ain’t choosing it on the jukebox.

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Every hit song’s backstory is some version of, “oh, this person was just humming random lines and the song came together in 5 minutes”


I have a Twitch stream on in the background right now and the streamer is cycling elevator music-type versions of Christmas songs. One of them is Mariah Carey’s song. This version kind of slaps, tbh.

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I remember Billy Joel saying “River of Dreams” came to him in a dream, which I guess makes sense.


Keeping the streak alive!

Don’t know this song or band. I’ll check it out.

Its widely considered the worst christmas song of all time

Oh crap. lol

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I was so happy that I picked that in the bad Christmas songs draft.