Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

What is being covered up? lol. There is no thing here. I am guessing there are thousands of posts online claiming they are fucking the judge or that the stenographer is an alien from Zork.

This is only a thing because the judge made it a thing. Jesus.

Sorry thought it was clear that I was talking about the accusations of crimes and accusations of coverups.

The boats look a little smaller this year. Fucking Bidenomics.


What do you mean by ā€œreleasing itā€? The judge most definitely did not ā€œrelease itā€? Also he is not capable of ā€œreleasing itā€. The person who does that is the person who writes the tweet.

Furthermore, he definitely did not ā€œbelieve itā€. Although he is certainly capable of ā€œbelieving itā€.

Hopefully, since he is only capable of one of those two things you can conclude that they are not ā€œthe exact same thingā€.

Care to make a wager on how it will be examined? Iā€™m betting itā€™s not going to change anything. What do you think it will change? Be specific. And factual.


2020 Presidential Election Results
Harbor Island, Newport Beach

Trump 100%
37 votes

Biden 0%
0 votes


Over under on 10,000 similar posts exists online?

Because Trump is a man of the people, looking to drain the swamp and blow up the system.

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Wait, what did I miss? The case is destroyed? Link?

No it isnā€™t. Iā€™m pretty sure the court has an ethical obligation to notify counsel when something like this is brought to its attention.

Man Iā€™m glad 100 different shitposters didnā€™t all post a one line anonymous ā€œIā€™m on the jury heā€™s fucked lolā€, it would take forever to do 100 hearings.

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Just lol. You should be the chair of the DNC.

Like so much of government, the law hasnā€™t caught up with the new reality of the internetā€¦

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I think the issue was it was on the courts Facebook so they canā€™t claim werenā€™t aware. Think the bigger issue here is why would a court have Facebook??


Why shouldnā€™t the court have a Facebook page?

Rogged, obv

I guess I just donā€™t see the point, seems like would just attract problematic posting without much real benefit compared to them having a website?

I would think government should use all available methods to keep the people informed.

Any good sales on mines by the gross?

What? How is the case destroyed?

oopsā€”shoulda read past this post, my bad.

You are delusional.