Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Now he gets a new trial.

Oh, well. Nevertheless.


Anyway it looks like Trump has bigger fish to fry for the moment.

So it looks like this will happen.

Is it unusual for an attorney to attend a probation interview with his client? Why would he need to get permission for that?

I donā€™t know but most people probably donā€™t have to be reminded to at least pretend to be honest and respectful.

Maybe heā€™ll bring it up with the probation officer.


So a random unknown person posted something online and for some reason the judge decided to believe it and destroy the entire case.

Just fucking lol America.

Iā€™m going to have to remember this trick if I ever get convicted of something.


Hate to be tinfoil but isnā€™t it like 90% some trumper posted it.

Itā€™s too bad that when this turns into a nothing burger we wonā€™t see any apologies from Unstuck.

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Itā€™s pretty amazing how poorly you understand the information landscape you live in. Like it fucking matters if it ā€œturns into somethingā€

It already is SOMETHING. We are talking about it


Troll 1: My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convictedā€¦
Troll 2: Iā€™m calling the police!
Troll 1: Please no stop donā€™t! I was just a joke! Iā€™m just a sad pathetic little baby posting from my momā€™s basement!

Absolute bitch ass trolling attempt. Says he is a professional shit poster but I guess has never met a lawyer before? Dude fumbled what could have been an all time great troll job.

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Where does the judge say he believes it? How did he destroy the case?


Just sitting here imagining all the ridiculous stuff someone could do in his situation.

Iā€™d be on the next 60 minutes with Leslie Stall interviewing me in a dark room with my voice completely changed going like ā€œI had to hide my identity for my own safety, thatā€™s how fucking stupid these people are!ā€

You could go live on Fox News and pull a vape god and be like yeah she told me the jurors all admitted there was no evidence but they said they love abortion more than America and couldnā€™t let that racist be president

really the more I think about it the more upset I get, Iā€™m gonna log off now

Right now youā€™re the random unknown person posting garbage misinformation.

The judge did not ā€œbelieve itā€. He ordered a hearing, which is a prudent thing to do in order to nip this thing at the bud. If youā€™re gonna claim the entire case is destroyed, youā€™re gonna need to show your work.


You are making the same gallactically naive argument iron made. Releasing it is the exact same thing as believing it in this information landscape.

How can someone be alive today and think releasing this is just going to be examined in the clear light of day.

What is the alternative? Ignore it until someone else finds it and then claims the judge knew about it all along, but hid it to frame Trump?


Yeah seems cover up would be worse than crime so better for the judge to play it by the book or whatever