Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

I’m just saying the most recent closest to what would be considered a modern day blowout

Yeah, that’s fair.

I’d probably classify that as “comfortable win” rather than “blowout”. 2008 is much closer to the latter for me.

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Super cool how Republicans won the popular vote once in 30 years and somehow have a lock on the Supreme Court.


Trivia team name:

  • 34 for 45
  • Orange is the New Orange
  • Keep working on it.
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It’s not a blowout unless Trump loses a state he won in 2020.

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I think you’d need more.

All states he won before + NC + FL? Maybe. Add TX or OH and you’re in definite blowout territory.

No I do not think this will happen.

Personally flipping Florida automatically makes it a blowout. That place is just becoming the woat politically

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I know someone who works in the intelligence community and he says Trump is a lot less popular in that crowd than an average Repub, due to many reasons, pretty much what you’d think—many intel people think he’s unstable and reckless. And, you know, careless with intelligence.

Hopefully someone leaks the pee tape or something similar

How do you get a 1:1 of followers to likes? Most big names are 1:2 up to like 1:20

i have noticed this as well. doesn’t seem
to be a whole lot of Trump enthusiasm. I’m sure they are still voting for him but you would be forgiven for not knowing that he was even running.

Could it be that some people are embarrassed to admit out loud that they’re voting for a convicted felon?

I mean, I wouldn’t have problems voting for a convicted felon. There are probably plenty out there who could
Make good leaders.


Remember when HRC was going to win Utah?

I’m generally not a superstitious person (and I remain optimistic about the election) but blowout talk gives me a bad feeling.


Yeah, blowout talk is crazy talk.


We are talking about a Biden blowout now? Based on what possible evidence? This seems like pure fantasy land stuff. I’m willing to take blowout bets. Name them.