Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

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Probably not vaxxed against cooties

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Philosophy, math, climate nerds


Isn’t it the opposite? The more sea rises, the less beach front property there is?


Trump says he never said “Lock Her Up” and says he might next time

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wow, haven’t heard “china virus” in a whle

This dude is done. He’s like a 70s artist playing his hits but no one cares

Any riots this week? No. Just a lot of keyboard warriors crying foul

He’s done.


The projection of not knowing what “existential” means is hilarious and the idiocy of claiming rising sea levels creates more beach front property as opposed to less is very on brand. Trump is one of the dumbest humans to ever hold any elected office.


This cannot be understated enough. Trump is done

It wouldn’t surprise me if Trump is dreaming up some Lex Luthor shit like buying tons of east coast property 20 miles inland in preparation for making a trillion dollars when the current coast winds up underwater. Only to not understand where sand comes from, and when his property is all rocky and muddy coastline he stands there saying “where’s the beach?”


I think this is it, if we had seen people out in the streets I might worry

wasn’t this literally the james bond movie with walken and grace jones

Wow people seem more confident than I am about him being done. If he wins this election I don’t think he’s anywhere near done. If he loses, then yes. There still exists a scary number of people with brain worms willing to overlook anything this guy does

It’s been 9 years and he has lost a step and his act has gotten old. And now he is a 34 time felon. That’s the theory anyways and I tend to agree with it. I think Biden wins but I don’t think Trump is “done”. Lots of things could happen from now until the election to swing things.

Remember when Hillary had that weird seizure episode around one of her appearances lol. I am betting Biden at current prices and think its a insanely good value but anything can happen.

My prediction is that Biden takes the opportunity in the first debate to shed his original skin revealing a younger more robust visage underneath. If so, game over imo.

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50 year old Biden would crush this election. Dude had more racism cred than Trump at that point and Dems would have to vote for him because VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO. Plus his stutter disappeared for a couple decades.


That’s more than half of Biden’s problem. He could be Obama-level sharp, but he just looks old. Like if you saw a still photo of him, it’s basically generic dude at a memory care facility.


Biden and Trump are both completely cooked. What an amazing choice we have this year.

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