Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

I assume he will still have no problem with that sort of sleeping.

I canā€™t tell if you mean this or the opposite of this.

I agree but I ultimately think this is a net negative for amyone outside his hardened base.

Low information voters are drawn to Trump the Comedian, Trump the WINNER GUY, Trump the Racist way more than they are drawn to Trump the crybaby.

This energizes the #Resistance wine moms way more than it energizes the MAGA crowd.

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Yeah this. Read all the demoralized copium in the replies here:

Sounds super familiar to lefties bemoaning Dems for not nuking the filibuster and packing the court (when thereā€™s literally no way they could have done so).

Lol the profile pic couldnā€™t be more perfect.


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Man, this is apparently going to be such a boon for Trump that he would have been crazy not to be convicted. Maybe that explains his shit legal strategy. Trump, always operating on a higher level.



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I think heā€™s allowed to vote pending appeal. Anyway, there arenā€™t any elections today. Let me know when one happens that he canā€™t vote in, and that will be a consequence. Itā€™s a minor one, but Iā€™ll give you that.

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Visit canada?


Some folks having a normal one out here today. I shouted some words of encouragement (ā€œConvicted felons, fuck yeah!ā€) and they flipped me off.


The thing is that nominally nothing much is going to change for Trump. Probably not going to get any jail time, most likely probation. Heā€™s not going to be thrown in jail like Mandela or have his life ruined like some small fry because they canā€™t find a job because of a rap sheet or getting hounded out of their small town.

Cohen went to jail for this crime. It seems like trump is going to jail as well.


Meh, the best thing is that he canā€™t get pardoned at the federal level.

Good luck to any NY governor that does it.

It will have to be the courts. Yes, we know, SCOTUS will let him off on the FU technicality


If he loses the election, heā€™s definitely going to jail if he lives long enough

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