Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

The answer is the same as always. Nothing happens.


Heā€™d have to skip the convention, which is in Wisconsin, and other swing states.

Why on earth would he do this? He knows he is never going to jail. His worst outcome is a fine he wonā€™t ever pay.

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34 convictions and the next day you are here saying ā€˜nothing happensā€™. You are a wild man.


One of the weirdest things about all of this is that Trump is the only person in America who consistently acts like there will be real consequences for him if he gets caught, I think it may be sincere? Like, the whole reason he got into this mess in the first place was he thought the Stormy Daniels stuff would torpedo his campaign and no one really cared about that at all.

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I definitely didnā€™t think he would get convicted, but Iā€™ve already gone on record (so no goalpost shifting here!) that conviction alone is not a consequence. If it gets overturned or the sentence is just some sort of warning and some bullshit community service that he wonā€™t actually do, then weā€™re still at ā€œnothing happensā€.

What canā€™t DT do today that he was able to do last week? When you have a good answer for that, then something has happened.


No one cares now, but that was definitely not true at the time. For instance, the Access Hollywood tape hurt him - he was just given an amazing save by Comey to shift the narrative back to Clinton right before the election.

Iā€™m pretty sure that type of stuff hurt him in 2020. People just look at the fact he won in 2016 with lots of bad stuff, and claim nothing matters for Trump. Hard core Trumpers donā€™t care, but it does hurt him at the margins.


I think he loves that he got convicted (and knew that he would) because now it makes him a living martyr and he can grift more off of it.

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Thereā€™s absolutely no way itā€™s true that Trump likes being convicted compared with acquitted or hung jury. No fucking way. If he were acquitted, heā€™d have a hard time avoiding public masturbation over how he beat the bullies who were out to get him.


Youā€™re not supposed toā€¦ discloseā€¦ that i cheated on my wife. Youā€™re not allowed to tell people what happened. Youā€™re not allowed to talk about my mushroom cock.


Wtf - no. Stop shifting the window as this plays right into Trumpā€™s hands. If he were not convicted, heā€™d be taking a victory lap on Fox (and likely even CNN) talking about how even with a corrupt judge and DA, a super liberal jury saw through the bullshit and totally exonerated him.

All the mainstream news would be eating it up, running non-stop stories about how much the DA wasted resources and abused his power to bring fake charges.

There is simply no world where a conviction for Trump is better than the alternatives.


As unappealing as our political options seems to be I would think that Donald Trump being tried and convicted in an ongoing series of court cases is something that most of us will find genuinely awesome and fun. I have to imagine that swing voters will be reluctant to rob this great country of the ongoing hilarity.



No fighting in the war room guys.


12/12 in 2024 is 100%. Check your maths.

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The dude was tweeting at like 2AM on the reg. How much was he ever actually sleeping?

Yes this hardens his base. I doubt itā€™s a net positive with anyone else.

Apparently a lot while he was in court.

Iā€™m not saying itā€™s good for him, Iā€™m just saying that he loves that he can play the martyr card now and keep yelling and screaming. Obviously heā€™d prefer to have not been convicted, but heā€™ll enjoy upping the grievance factor.