Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Running a red light on a bicycle on a city street could easily lead to bad outcomes for other people.

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Ya, someone has replaced cactus as unstuck poster who belongs in jail the most.

This. Trolly was probably not putting anybody in danger and crossed a perfectly clear intersection, but bikers that ignore traffic lights irritate me to an abnormal degree. I live on a fairly lightly trafficked street, but one that is along a popular bike route. Approximately 0% of bikers stop at lights when I have the pedestrian right of way to cross. They typically only slow down when I make it clear I’m entering the intersection and make direct eye contact with them.


Right, the obvious explanation is that those people have been closely scrutinized (how many investigations were there into Hillary’s role in Benghazi?) and every person on the right would have died for the opportunity to be the one to put one of them behind bars, yet they whiffed every time. I don’t think it’s because Ted Cruz or whoever secretly likes Hillary Clinton. It’s because they aren’t actually committing crimes. But the hive mind on the right processes it as just more evidence that the conspiracy is even deeper than they previously believed.


Speaking of predictable

I should clarify that I also ran over a group of very elderly women and left them all for dead, but I didn’t get cited for that.


34 felonies and the cultists love him more. Another couple dozen and they’re going to be crawling over each other to nibble the mushroom.

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were they wearing blue or red?

No, please, don’t prosecute corrupt Democrats like Menendez and Cuellar. That would be horrible


“Trump has a felony, I have a felony. He’s just like a regular person!”

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You Thought it Was Good? Here’s Why it’s Bad


Wrong thread

That’s how democracy is supposed to work! The idea that you can’t criminally prosecute a POUTS is exactly the opposite of what everyone was taught as a schoolkid, all that “no man is above the law” nonsense. There’s no Rubicon or sacred precedent to even be crossed, the Founding Fathers practically gushed over the idea of periodically hanging corrupt public officials. It’s just the NYT gaslighing America on behalf of the Acela-belt chuds.

Anyway, here’s an Osita victory lap

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Not a good start. The usual shit.

They want to ban cars!

The witnesses were LITERALLY CRUCIFIED :astonished:


Hahaha so good

What they call uh uh…crimes

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Didn’t testify because you get one thing wrong and they “sue you for perjury”

Think of it