Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Jd Vance implies car seat laws prevent whites from having babies.

(TikTok - Make Your Day)

wtf is the possible causation link he is imagining?

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In many states (maybe all) you can’t take your newborn from the hospital without a car seat. Maybe he thinks that’s cost prohibitive!


That dealing with car seats is a pain in the ass and makes people not want to have kids I guess?

If he wants to talk about stuff that might make people less likely to have kids, let’s start with healthcare. After that, housing.

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I’m pretty sure he’s talking about this

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Lololololololo that might be the most republican study I’ve ever seen. “Only prevented 57 deaths” of actual living people but maybe stopped 100,000 not actual people from being born.

Inb4 the very idea of a future child is given personhood by SCOTUS.

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I’m fine with that

Whatever the authors of the study were trying to do or how they were motivated, yes, I believe what’s his face is picking it up from some Republican think tank…or apparently Republican congressional group.

Cars, Kids, and Unintended Costs - Cars, Kids, and Unintended Costs - United States Joint Economic Committee.

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Daily show highlights Rudy at Trump Rally. Rudy going to go after would be assassins

(TikTok - Make Your Day)

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What’s funny is these people still don’t know how to deal with him doing such a hilarious, sloppy, juvenile attack of them. He will probably win the election. GJGE journalists and institutions

If I were writing a referee report, I would ding them for relying only on a linear model when their dependent variable is binary and has a mean near 0. Hopefully peer review got them to run probit or logit as robustness checks.


“Since 1977, U.S. states have passed laws steadily raising the age for which a child must ride in a car safety seat. These laws significantly raise the cost of having a third child, as many regular-sized cars cannot fit three child seats in the back. Using census data and state-year variation in laws, we estimate that when women have two children of ages requiring mandated car seats, they have a lower annual probability of giving birth by 0.73 percentage points.”

that’s crazy, actually.

This doesn’t seem particularly surprising.

The real story of course is that the US is fucking awful on road safety and you’ll should be doing more not less.

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there should be a “white baby #3” exemption that allows well-bred couples to transport the 3rd child on the floor of the back seat. just slap a “baby on board” sticker on the bumper and you’re good to go.


Is that saying that women in regulated states with two car-seat-aged kids have a third kid 0.73% less than women with two same-aged kids in a state that doesn’t require them to be in car seats?

That is kind of wild. Seems surprising that a couple dozen people per state or something are actually considering not being able to fit the third car seat, so good for them I guess.

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haha right

I didn’t look into it but I’m like 95% certain that he probably saw that birth rates started declining around the same time that child seat laws went into effect; and of course that means the two are definitely related; at least if you’re a dumbass.



Are they no longer banging?

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think he prolly just means crazy in the sack