Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Shame that he’s aborting her this late in his preg campaign.


hit it and quit it I reckon


So now she finds out she’s not special and will be cast aside as easily as everyone before her. A shame she couldn’t see that coming.



Is it even clear the study is just comparing women with two kids already? Or

I understand the reasons for it, but I think the right’s obsession with birth rates is the weirdest shit they spew. It’s so fucking creepy.

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Is there a baby boomlet when one of the other kids exceeds car seat age?

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Did the Mormons figure out birth rates? How about every newly married family gets $20k + $10k per kid? Seems like an easy problem to solve if one actually wants to solve it.

It’s like the deficit–it’s only a problem when you’re not required to find a solution.

The solution is obvious and it’s already happening. US born population growth has stalled leading to demand for workers leading to immigration from countries with higher birth rates. Problem solved. Except for the xenophobic, racist, nationalist assholes.


Yeah, this has literally been the strategy for 240 years and seems to have “worked,” going from 4M to 330M in population. All those Italians, Irish, Polish, Jews, and Chinese have turned America into a hellscape where meat pies aren’t even a primary food.

The right wing seems to think Haitians will move to the US and in 40 years it will be nothing but Voodoo and Sharia law. No, their grandchildren will be football fans who like to BBQ shit and vote for Republicans.

Two of the earliest strong political parties in the US were the anti-masons (against elite conspiracies) and the know-nothings (against immigration). Same as it ever was.


Just need to convince those 75% of Americans then we’re golden.

They mostly come from Haitia and the Mexican countries according to Fox News.

That’s no way to keep the bjs coming, or maybe it is.

Were those people ducking down walking past him at the end leaving early?

That cow has already left the barn.

Also wtf with some less than 1% number. No way that data fidelity is anywhere near that good. Bureau of made-up statistics on line 1.

Also jfc, treating life like a Ponzi scheme- we gotta have MORE people from now into eternity is fucking stupid.

Profits must always grow!

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Please please please let him mention people being paid to go to Harris rallies in front of somebody willing to retort with this.