Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

I was talking to a friend at his house today about how we are living in a time where people who would say “the biggest threat right now is big city men wearing makeup” believe that a NYC heir with caked on makeup who never worked a day in his life… is the man standing up for them



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Yessir, those screenshots are from The Bear.

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You are not hoping for hitler to be taken out in 1938?

Maybe if the NSA and secret service might be knocking on your door if you started talking about drafting young people to shoot each other, it would be taboo to talk about that as well.


I’m a pacifist generally so won’t be taking any action myself but I am also a utilitarian so am forced to hope his fat heart explodes or something. That would be far better than him being assassinated but if that were to happen I won’t be shedding any tears.

There will be conspiracy theories before his body hits the floor. It almost doesn’t matter how he dies.

Also he will be living with Elvis and JFK in Grand Rapdis MI.

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If you needed evidence of which side the GOP would take given the choice, look no further than the Steve Scalise shooting. Politicians can be replaced, but no one is touching the guns.

But in this case it’s why they can’t rally hard behind these assassination attempts the way they want to, because it just comes back to mentally disturbed white men with easy access to assault rifles.


i think it’s more putting themselves on record for not protecting trump and sowing discord among them.

A bedrock GOP constituency.


aka Canadian

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They don’t need to protect Trump because Jesus protects him, ldo.

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Oh believe me, I’m hoping for plenty of things.

Just commenting that we are like, minutes away from the GOP nominee for president sending a mass communication that literally requests someone shoot Kamala in the head. One of his extremely popular surrogates who has been promised a high-level position in his government already has, so this is obviously the next stop in the acceleration.

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“radical leftist”


Jr needs to learn how to talk to more than one person at once.


Alternatively, he could just make a short video and send them the link when needed.


Thoughts and prayers, but I’ve heard from a reliable source that we just need to get over it.


Finally, someone talking about issues real Americans care about, I’m tired of explaining to my children why crazy people keep taking potshots at grandpa.

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Anybody want to guess how many conversations I’ve had with my 15 year old about school shootings in the past week?