Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Trump is like the most in favor of gun control GOPer since California Gov edition of Reagan

I was gonna say I’d be fine if he was gay until I thought of the backlash
lol i thought it was suspicious that he would say how he knew about the shooting before it hit the press but, yeah sounds like jd vance is who called in the hit


Narcissist amazingly gets happy that people try to assassinate him


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failed assassin sounds like a never Trump mentally ill Republican. I can see how Vance would have followed a Republican.

Apparently Facebook scrubbed the guy’s FB account.


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Seems like the best play to work MAGA people up. Smart move Fbook

Welp we’ve now moved into the “openly calling for assassination” portion of the Overton window.

This board has been openly calling for assassination since its inception

People certainly call for war and bombs and shit that kills totally innocent people regularly. If any people should be killed for a political reasons, it’s the people most responsible.


It’s true. Maybe Trump wins, and thus these are the best time travelers that could be sent to try to correct things.

And why are the coming to 2024 and not 2016?

Because Joe Biden was perhaps not the hero we deserve, but rather the one we need right now?

I could have done without the timeline with a 6-3 deplorable justice SCOTUS.

Plus we all know Hil you have probably croaked due to COVID by April 2020 given how close to death she was in 2016.

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My guess is that Routh is more of an anti-establishment type who jumped to Trump in 2016 as a potential difference, soured on him, and continued to jump around to other potential changers, hoping to find something different.

So Kamala is about change so he must be for her?

She is?

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How did he not become a RFK supporter?

Routh? His main thing seems to be that he wants military support for Ukraine.