Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

My dream for America is that someday Trump quits politics and spends his time posting about how terrible the new Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees are.

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It would be great if the inductees were in the same cell block as him.

It strikes me as kind of weird how things have to be accompanied by confidence estimates now but maybe it should have always been this way.

:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:


Election is over for trump.


I would really like to believe that.

Fumble by Trump. Should have gone with this:


I thought calling this “100% real” was part of a joke because there’s no way, but wow why is it real what is he doing

He’s gotten away with literally everything for 78 years he’s not going to stop now

100% is getting to be a pet peeve for me but I find Schott is generally trustworthy so I let it slide. Still checked though.

First Chiefs Planet comment on that T Swift post is “Trump just won the election”


IMO the USPS message is funnier but will (rightfully) not get any air as a result of the Swift post.

Don’t vote by mail and hating Taylor Swift.

This entire guy’s life is just one bold strategy cotton after another and somehow he’s a coinflip away from being a 2 term president in his 80s. This timeline is terrible.


I wonder if it will come up during the broadcast. Looks like we’re getting the Denver game here. Lame.

Supposedly another assasination attempt on Trump.


Gonna go with no

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Look at what this leftist rehtoric about Trump is causing!


New Jersey Haitians at high Noon.