Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

As always, simplicitus, thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us. I look forward to reading more of your thoughtful posts in the near future.

Thank you!

Pretty much this! Well said!

To some extent, yes.

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GenocideJoe, when I complain about the empty and vacuous ideas of some posters here, rest assured that you and whatever make believe land of politics you inhabit are in my thoughts as well.

If you are serious about your ideas, write draft laws, or a constitution, or a manifesto, or a treatise on government. All I see in your posting is an unrealistic desire for things to be better for everyone. Thatā€™s great, but we exist in a world of scarce resources where every living thing tries to eat every other living thing. Politics is the orderly management of conflict, not happy fun land.

Welcome aboard Comrade :hammer_and_pick:


ā€œHe who has the gold rulesā€ is not a logical tautology. If it was a tautology, then ā€œSometimes he who has the gold does not ruleā€ would be a logical contradiction, which it clearly is not.

Why is Chakotay the number one topic on Twitter right now? Is there some kind of Voyager revival?

Itā€™s not even corruption. Itā€™s just individuals following their incentives, combined with some pretty effective de facto gatekeeping. It winds up looking like it has the effects of a conspiracy, but itā€™s just systems and institutions. Itā€™s capitalism.

Corruption would imply we can just clean things up and the ā€œdesignā€ of the system would start ā€œworkingā€ better.


Thatā€™s close to a fair point, but the thrust of my criticism was claims about ā€œthe eliteā€ (who are implicitly defined as ā€œthe eliteā€). And, again, your post I quoted above is about the most empty, uninformed, ahistorical piece of political analysis I have ever read. It just has all the common tropes and cliches embraced by the ignorant mass of humanity all bunched up together in a vapid summary of the sort Trump would state to rile up the half of humanity that laps up his ignorant bullshit.

Incentives is a better way to put it. The system is inherently corrupt (corruptible?) because of incentives that exist within the system.

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Iā€™m not really interested in this ā€œI didnā€™t say exactly thatā€ game. I am assuming that, by complaining about the corruption of the system while also proclaiming yourself to be a conservative, you thus believe that conservatives are less corrupt and therefore more deserving of your support. If you donā€™t believe that, itā€™s awfully strange to keep citing things like ā€œelitesā€ and ā€œcorruptionā€ as problems with the system, and makes it impossible to have a conversation based on a shared understanding of those problems.

This is almost an insightful comment that there are indeed negative consequences to even decent systems. Hell, I think a tribal society would be better for human happiness, but tribes fight like motherfuckers, until phalanxs or horse arches come along, and they are inevitably rendered extinct under unfair dictators, and everyone in tribes dies of toothaches at 35 while practicing fake medicine. Capitalism at least provides incentives for knowledge and technology to progress, where everyone will eventually have above sustenance for the first time in history or the species renders itself extinct through nuclear war.

Still, any reformer in 1924 would have given his right arm for the material and social progress over the last 100 years.

Lagtight after the struggle session:


Since everyone in Media/Washington is so happy Trump survived, I guess heā€™s not really the threat to Democracy they previously claimed.


What percentage of this do you think is true?

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The kind of elite who controls history. Also, a picked-on loner in the school cafeteria.

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Weird way for Blackrock to publicize their 2nd quarter that drops tomorrow, but who am I to judge.

Iā€™m delighted that I made such a remarkable impression!