Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Sure, but making abortion legally murder is important to a lot of people. So is making queer and trans people not exist.


Oh wait, I must have missed something when pondering the not at all empty and thimble-deep political views of lagtite, angryqueer, and Hokie.

I have had a revelationā€¦have you geniuses ever considered that the true power behind the power isā€¦The Media. Maybe if you guys could find a famous con man with no concern for truth he could launch a successful presidential election by running against The Media (and the elites). We could call him Bernie Trump, but I guess heā€™s all in for Biden.

I would say if itā€™s normal people vs the elites then we would an anti elitist political platform look like and then vote the party that is most like it.

But I suspect that either ā€˜elitismā€™ will just be a stand in for ideology or will just be a way of saying political platforms donā€™t align with popularity and there are such things as cross pressured voters which is true and obvious

And what do these ā€œelitesā€ look like. How are they identified prior to gaining power, or are you simply making the most obvious error in the world by assuming the definition of a thing without analyzing the thing? When did Barak Obama become an elite, when he graduated from high school, college, when he was a community organizer, when he lost a congressional race? Surely your underpants gnome theory of social reality can survive a counterfactual or two.

[quote=ā€œsimplicitus, post:2919, topic:10932, full:trueā€]

I have no plan to get rid of them. They are firmly entrenched in virtually every institution in America. The ā€œElitesā€ are like the upper .01% wealthiest folks in the world.

I couldnā€™t agree more.

My understanding of history is encapsulated in ā€œThe Golden Ruleā€: He who has the gold, rules.

The Elites are fine with any candidate who will ultimately be subservient to them. When Bernie became a serious threat in 2020 and was winning virtually all the primaries, the Elite ā€œcircled the wagonsā€ and literally all of the remaining candidates dropped out and endorsed Establishment Joe.

I am a Conservative, but in my opinion the current system is way to corrupt for any ā€œby the people, for the peopleā€ movement to take hold.

Again a superficial statement we would likely agree on, but pretty amusing to think that conservatives are in any way anti-corruption. They do more to foment corruption than Nancy Pelosi could ever dream of.

Much genius

Your ideas would be interesting if you believed there are no elites, a view reflected in many excellent works of art, like Tom Stoppard, the Cohen Brothers, and Kurt Vonnegut.

The view that a cabal of elites are running things is the bread and butter and most homespun political theory for the last 2000 years, and particularly the last 200. It is the bog standard view of over 50% of people, aka the simple and ignorant, all over the world. It is universally believed by Trump voters and what unites the ends of the horseshoe. Now you have access to all known information in your pocket and yet you have the same beliefs as an illiterate farmer from the 1840s.

Maybe read something like The Origins of Political Order if you are actually intelligent enough not to believe the things you want to believe.

Ah, ā€œcorruptionā€, the other great unit of political analysis after ā€œthe eliteā€, and ā€œthe mediaā€. Can we think of anything else keeping the good volk down?

I mentioned earlier ā€œthe mediaā€ being controlled by the Elites.

Obviously. You have nearly ascended to the level of Steve Bannon in your analysis.

The debate, it is so vigorous.


In my opinion, it isnā€™t the politicians themselves who are the elite. The politicians are the pawns of the elite. ā€œHe who pays the piper, calls the tunes.ā€ The donors largely control the legislative process.

No one actually thinks itā€™s some shadowy cabal. Itā€™s open, legal corruption, inherent to the system.


Itā€™s not a debate, itā€™s me bitching about the widespread scope and extent of human stupidity.

I never said or implied (did I?) that Conservative politicians are less prone to corruption than anyone else.

So youā€™re saying there are different economic classes and theyā€™re in a struggle against each other?


They look exactly like you, completely out of touch, clearly never struggled a day in your life opining philosophically about things that will never, ever, ever have any real threat of affecting you or anyone you care about, while simultaneously casting shade at those you do not and cannot understand. Tone deaf while trying to appear intelligent. The entire democratic party apparatus in a nutshell. They literally look like someone like you, and maybe rather than taking a ā€œno, it is the children who are wrongā€ you should take a look in the mirror and reflect at the stupid things that come out of your mouth in defense of views that are responsible for a substantial amount of human suffering.

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You have a knack for creating tautologies at the expense of analysis.

Also, I donā€™t want to blow your mind here, but I donā€™t actually believe in ā€œthe media.ā€