Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Hawk Loomah

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I’m there with you. I called in sick because I was too on edge to work. Might do it again tomorrow.

Yeah I guy I know on FB posted, “Staged? Yes or no?”

I laid out all the common sense reasons why something like this would be impossible to stage. I saw in notifications that he replied to me, but he deleted it before I read it.

He’s now engaging with a bunch of loopy crunchy lefty types and going down deep rabbit holes. Sigh.

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With the news today I decided to think about something pointless and stupid.

There’s some magic-bullet speculation going on:

This dude has partially walked back his idea that this bullet could not have hit Trump. He’s not a ballistics guy, fwiw, and neither am I. BUT there’s still something weird about the picture of the bullet whizzing by.

I heard an NPR interview with the photographer where he said the shutter speed was 1/8000 second. And it’s not hard to find velocity vs distance information for a bullet from an AR. It’s about 2600 ft/sec at 150 yards. So the bullet would travel about 0.33 ft (4 inches) during the exposure. But if you look at the picture, my guesstimate is the streak length is about a foot.

Earlier I joked that it was partially composed of vaporized Trump ear, and maybe a trail of blood and cartilage does explain why it’s so long. But otoh, if it is the bullet that hit Trump, why is the twitter guy’s idea wrong?

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All this news about the FBI trying to figure out this guys “motive” is starting to grind my gears. Are they thinking this is a carjacking gone awry or something?


Includes vid stitch of the shooter crawling on roof with Trump speech

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I was talking to my son about the nature of conspiracy theories and why people come up with them, and it really applies to this case. This whole sequence of events is really implausible-seeming and people are desperate to have a way to wrap their arms around it. “Wild shit happens sometimes” is very unsatisfying when you’re desperate to really nail everything down.


Yea. People want there to be A Reason why Trump didn’t get killed that is something other than random luck, because otherwise you have to accept the fact that he truly did just get insanely lucky, again, and that the world truly was an inch or two away from looking way, way different today. It fucks you up to think about.


the way his head turns exactly half a second before the shots were fired in the only direction he could face and still be alive would not have been possible to stage

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Yeah imo if you’re doing the conspiracy route it’s “simulation” or bust.

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People don’t seem to much want to talk about how the center in Germany completely caved because like, at least Hitler was going to crush labor unions.


i’ve seen it similarly talked about in the nature that human brains want to find BIG causes to link to BIG effects. but also that is normally talked about in a counter example to this instant situation; why there are a million conspiracy theories about successful assassinations and very few about unsuccessful ones.


He did the cut himself

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We seem to be fresh out of clues.

the lead detective has been making some unusual investigative choices


Gonna be wild to find out that the two daughters of the deceased crowd member were, actually, the ring leaders of the bullying scheme (or at least pushed him over the edge) and Trump wasn’t even the target.


The people behind him appear to be presciently holding “YOU’RE FUCKED!” signs

That makes a lot of sense. My group escalated to saying everything is staged, we are all puppets, open your eyes and do your own research, the more we share that this was staged, the more people who will break through the illusion.

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I was telling the wife on the plane how this all feels like how “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” outlined Hitler’s rise to power and you’re spot on. They were so terrified of the communists that fucking Hitler would surely protect them from


Bars :bangbang: