Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Hawk Loomah

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… an emergency landing. Brown firmly denies this ever happened.

  • Threatened to sue the New York Times.

  • When asked to produce the flight records, he repeated the request in a sing-song voice.

You can run, you can run, tell my friend Willie Brown
You can run, you can run, tell my friend Willie Brown
That I got the crossroad blues this mornin’, Lord, baby, I’m sinkin’ down

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Sounds like Maggie got an earful

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Yeah was about to say him “calling the NYT” means haberman, still, all these years later right?

Playing the Titanic song.

Also such bullshit that Trump can do this but I can’t put an image from 1947 that no one knows the source of in my book. Copyright laws are so out of whack.


I can’t believe I used to listen to this guy’s show.


buying this but because i hate him


Wrong caliber?


My 8 year old just learned he can do that.


Guy has been talking about cum all day


Looking at the past I frequently wonder how I could have been so naive. And that’s just yesterday.


He doesn’t understand why the couch meme took off. It’s kind of funny because it’s simple and plausible. Horny teens do all sorts of weird things. But guzzling a belly full of semen is just a gross fantasy to consider all day. I don’t want to think about what Don Jr does in his actual private life for this to seem plausible and funny.


A line worthy of a movie.

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I’ve said it before but back when Redban was the producer the Joe Rogan Experience was just a goofy stoner bullshitting with his comedian friends and everyone involved freely admitted they were a bunch of dumbasses then at some point along the way he started truly believing Alpha Brain was making him a powerful genius.


Two Failing New York Times “reporters” questioned my story about a forced landing of a helicopter, in a field, with former Mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown, and others. First of all, it was in New Jersey, not California, and it was Willie Brown, not former Governor Jerry Brown. So far they are about as accurate as they are with their other stories about me. At least when I became President, the NYT apologized to their readers for their REALLY BAD REPORTING ON THE PRESIDENTIAL RACE. They’ll probably have to do that again, much as Maggot Hagermann should apologize for her Fake & Fraudulent writing on the Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX, along with many other of her poorly written and badly researched stories. In an article dated April 15, 2011, “His Willieness dishes about his good buddy Donald Trump. I remember one time Trump sent his private jet to Boston to pick me up. He’s just angling for another ride in Trump’s jet (helicopter!). But now Willie doesn’t remember? No, he remembers!

Donald Trump Truth Social 10:25 PM EST 08/09/24

In the FAKE NEWS story done by the Failing New York Times on Willie Brown and his little helicopter ride with me many years ago, there were “Logs,” Maintenance Records, and Witnesses. There was also a story on “Willie and Me.” Why can’t the Radical Left Failing New York Times write accurately, and fairly, on me - See following TRUTH! I only have one major goal in life, and that is to, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Wouldn’t that be a good thing for the New York Times. Think of it, THEY COULD BE GREAT AGAIN!

Donald Trump Truth Social 10:40 PM EST 08/09/24 @realDonaldTrump

:notes: Tell my friend Willie Brown :notes:

Cream version

Hold everything. It wasn’t Willie or Jerry but some dude named Nate Holden.

“Willie is the short Black guy living in San Francisco,” Holden said. “I’m a tall Black guy living in Los Angeles.

“I guess we all look alike,” Holden told POLITICO, letting out a loud laugh.

“That’s the story, OK,” Res said. “No Willie Brown.”

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Because you were trying to run up the score.


Amazing to see him tripling down on this.

If he sticks to the story there’s plenty more versions of Crossroads. Just change the lyric to “Tell my friend NOT Willie Brown.”

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Trump does have moments of lucidity.

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