Community rule vote: Moderators and moderation logs

I don’t think I’m the king of the forum. Do you think you’re the king of the forum?

Me? No, I’m clearly just a Forum Peasant.

A Forum Peasant who is also the mod’s ombudsman, yeah, sure.

I honestly haven’t had a hell of a lot of success in trying to shoehorn myself into that role…

I believe in the division of labor. Ideally, I would want the moderation corps to be composed of long-term moderation specialists mixed with new blood with some turnover.

How large a cadre of moderation specialists do you anticipate a forum of this size needing in order to keep the moderation corps ready to engage any and all Forum Threats?

I’m pissed off about Zara leaving.

Another quality poster gone.


This vote ends tomorrow and the vote is incredibly close to failing or passing. With this in mind, has anyone reviewed the votes to see if any gimmicks or duplicate accounts have voted?

read is a gimmick who voted yes. jmanreading voted no. Both should be disqualified, and probably disqualify the actual votes of their controllers as well, who I think are J Man and Marty.


Imagine if some SMPers wanted to troll the forum by creating some new accounts for some last minute voting.

Lol, you solved the mystery! If only I hadn’t identified this issue 30 posts ago.

And then you decided to make it worse by having your gimmick vote?


Gritty is also a gimmick on the no side, but it’s unclear to me who the owner is so I’m not sure if there is a double vote. As long as there is no double vote, I don’t see a problem. So who wants to spill the beans about Gritty?

I mean, Marty’s gimmick was a secret stealth vote whereas I announced what I was doing and did it with an account labeled jman220reading, but sure, bothsides.jpg.

Gritty is not a gimmick. That is Commonwealth.

Votes are in fact votes, yes.

So not a gimmick, just somebody on their 3rd account? In any case, as long as there is no double vote I don’t see an issue.

I’m sorry, I thought we established that people who self-banned were allowed to come back and participate, or do I have that wrong jbro’sghost?


Fine with me. Although some people insisted on calling my new account a gimmick until I reverted back to my original.

And it’s pretty funny that some people that were complaining about my “gimmick” must have obviously known about commonwealth/gritty at the very same time they complained about me.

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It’s nice to be easily amused, I suppose.