College Football 2024: Hail to the Cheaters


Ze plane! Ze plane! Didn’t happen.

Yeah that was ridiculous.

Looks like going to bed before the second half was a good call. Not that surprised to see the final result, I think the only thing that would’ve surprised me would have been a Cougs blowout. That Boise St running back is something else.

Yeah, they smacked us around pretty good. Probably a good time for a bye week. Been a strong start to the season overall, but I like the downtime before another road game.

Wait Alabama almost lost? Lolwat

End of game management continues to be lol in both CFB and NFL.

Cinci last night ran plays that picked up minimal gain that had no chance of going OOB, then on top of that twice they got time runoffs due to a hurt player. Karma dictates they miss the game tying FG. Got like 4-5 plays off in 80ish seconds.

(I am still steamed about my Det Lions never throwing into the end zone once in 8 plays a couple of weeks ago).



I guess the AP voters all checked out at halftime and skipped the 2nd half of the bama game

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Bama covered so to Vegas it was still a blowout :man_shrugging:

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Regardless, Bama still beat Georgia.

Also, I don’t care.