College Football 2024: Hail to the Cheaters

How about the coach gets blindfolded for the next 2 min of actual game time? Obviously this isn’t much of a penalty when there are only 3 seconds left and only the FG air t ime remains in regulation, but it would be fun that they aren’t allowed to physically see the outcome of the attempted icing.

Let us reminisce.

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Fuck Auburn, time to embarrass these clowns





Refs are by god gonna ref that much we know

Usually the shenanigans favor Auburn especially in Auburn

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And the Iowa under hits AGAIN. Opened at 26.5, closed at 24.5, which I believe was a record. They can’t make it low enough.

I swear, they could find a way to get under a total of 0.

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I feel like next week might go over

Who gets in if Texas, UW, FSU, and Bama win out? Does the answer change if Oregon beats UW?

Seems like there’s no logic that puts 1-loss Bama in and not 1-loss Texas, so in that scenario + Michigan beating Iowa then it has to be neither of Bama or Texas. If one of Oregon-Washington doesn’t go, especially undefeated Washington, then what were these rankings for? Doesn’t mean the committee won’t completely shit the bed though.

Michigan UW Texas and fsu

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I am not offering a bet but how confident would you be betting this at evens? Or what kind of odds would you need to get or possibly give? “The SEC champ isn’t in the CFP” does not sound like a thing that will happen IRL.

OkSt–currently losing to BYU–is playing to get into the XII CCG. Who goes if they lose?

Pretty sure it’s Oklahoma.

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What do you do with a coach who never loses in the regular season but never wins the games that matter?

those guys get fired on the reg

Right - there is no way a one loss SEC champ is being left out. Fuck integrity, the CFP selection committee is going to side with TV rankings so long as not egregious.

I as an Alabama fan am hoping we don’t get left out, surely if we crush Georgia we get in, however unlikely that is,

I think espn has us at like 50% playoff if we beat Georgia

Texas beat us so can’t really justify us over them and then you got 3 undefeated conference winners

Gonna pull hard for Florida to somehow win, would be nice if Oklahoma gets a shot to ruin Texas