College Football 2024: Hail to the Cheaters

Not funny

Hang on, I’m being told Oregon gets waxed in Bowl Games by mid tier BIG12 Teams.

Now that is funny.

Because it’s true.

Next up is UCLA on 10/7 at the Rose Bowl, which is 10 minutes from my house.

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I think an extra defender has to be worth .5 yards and allowing them to resettle.

I don’t get his explanation.

My understanding is that unless the offense substitutes, the defense can’t. So if he tried to send out an 11th player, it would be a penalty for illegal substitution. His explanation is that he thought the penalty would basically give them a free time-out, which would help them more than having 11 defenders would help ND.

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No the defense can sub. They just don’t get protected time to run off. They could have just run someone on

What happens if they called TO with no time outs left?

Hmm, yeah, I think you’re right.

So I did some quick reddit research and the best explanation was that he didn’t think he could get the 11th guy on sides in time, so if he just ran him out OSU can quick snap and get a free play. The penalty would have been having a player intentionally commit a neutral zone infraction to stop play and give the 11th player time.

Or Freeman just had no clue and wasn’t prepared and gave a bs answer.

Technical foul.


Yeah the correct thing is to intentionally touch an offensive player. The penalty is meaningless, sub on, and go from there.

Also, they had ten players after a timeout that’s on them



I believe they had 10 players on the field the last two plays, not just the last play. Which is just extra lol.

he said they knew that, but sending the 11th on the second play would be a substitution penalty and while the yardage wouldn’t matter, the free timeout was worth more.

which, he had to have overheard on the way to the press conference and hoped it would fly bc LOL at A WHOLE EXTRA 330LBS ON THE LINE is worth less than a timeout.

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Yeah, I don’t see how having 10 men on the field for a hurry-up play from the 1 yard line is better than having 11 out there from the half yard line after a time-out.


lol I saw that on tiktok yesterday so funny. Smart nil money as they get free press for the joke that is worth what they spent.

USC defense is not good.

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