College Basketball 2022-23 Season Thread

In nba maxi Kleber through an inbound pass from one baseline to the other, turning it over, allowing San Antonio to score and send the game to overtime. These bad passes are epidemic.



What is happening!

Is that the biggest scholastic mismatch?

Guess I don’t have a bracket this year. Got completely disctracted this week, to the point where I was genuinely shook a bit just now to realize the tournament has already started

Lol me too. I am always a last minute bracket guy, but totally missed it this year.

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Nothing makes me rage more than the “be smart and shoot a 2”. Fuck off.

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95% of the time when an announcer says “You don’t need to shoot a 3 here” you absolutely fucking need to shoot a 3.


This is more true in the NBA than college where

(1) free throw shooters choke much more often and
(2) turnovers on inbounds occur much more often

A joke I’m shamelessly stealing from the internets:

2 :clubs: 4 :clubs: 5 :clubs: 6 :clubs:

CBB announcers: “You don’t need a 3”

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You’re all missing a critical piece of the quote. It’s always some form of:

You don’t need a three here. You can get a quick two.

My favorites are the ones who go for the “quick two” that runs the clock down to a number that allows only a full-court heave off a missed FT in the best case scenario. They’re also expert at allowing the ball to go to the opponent’s only 90% FT shooter and then fouling him instantly.

Twice now TNT has cut to a commercial while live action is happening. This time they came back just in time - cut to another commercial!

Please tell me this is just a fuck up and not some new way of sneaking in more commercials.

At Beer Park in Vegas, Zona fan next to our table is in Fuck it mode and buying bottles of 1942 and giving everyone shots.


I’m like only half watching but I didn’t notice that on my feed

So with Houston’s best player injured, Alabama’s best player probably gonna get arrested for murder before next weekend, is Penn State the new tournament favorite?

(In before TAMU decides to press and wins easy)

No drama in the nightcap, boo

We got the Funk

Are there new developments? Last I heard the DA basically exonerated him, not even really just sticking to “not enough evidence”

Seems like that statement would suck for the DA in court, but IANAL and I am also not a lawyer

No I’m saying he’s probably going to freshly murder someone himself after a game.

