Climate Change and the Environment

i didn’t think the cold current is the only thing keeping hurricanes out of socal. i think it has more to do with trade winds, meaning hurricanes are generally carried east to west, until they are picked up by westerlies. which kinda rules out continental west coasts from hurricane/cyclone danger.

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I’m not sure if you mean it is hard or it’s not hard, as you said. You know the area way better than me, but I think most of that coastline rises up fairly quickly from sea level and it’s actually not hard, right?

Yup, for sure. Our humidity sucks in the mid-80’s, it’ll be insufferable (perhaps literally) at 110-120.

Yeah this is a big question, it seems like SoCal really needs desal to work out.

I think if I end up moving there it likely means that poker has gone extremely well and I’m playing 25/50 - 100/200 NL, so that would probably mean I could afford a modest house in a nice area (Manhattan Beach or Santa Monica come to mind).

Good point, ugh. Hope that doesn’t happen.

I lived in Portland, Maine, albeit during the winter - and that surprises me. But it does get fairly warm there in August.

Yeah, I guess I don’t think of SoCal as a desert in its natural state, having only been a few times for ~1-2 weeks at a time, spending most of my time near the ocean, and always coming there from Vegas.

The latter is what I meant. It’s not that hard to be close enough to the beach that it’s not that hot and still be elevated enough that you won’t be under water. That’s really a long way off and probably tsunamis are a bigger concern in some areas, but those aren’t most areas.

This is happening and will continue. Santa Barbara has a desalination plant that produces 30% of their water.

Average home price in Manhattan Beach is over $3M. Not much that’s modest. It’s not where I’d pick anyway other than for schools. I would recommend Seal Beach or Belmont Shore to you based on stuff to do, close to beach, not bad access to Commerce and The Bike. (those areas are pretty flat, so you have to decide if you want to be 1/2 mile from the beach or something to get some elevation). If I were picking a place in LA and didn’t have kids in school (or other family considerations - the first house we picked when we moved back was 1/2 way between my parents and my wife’s parents), I’d pick San Pedro.

LA is desert, but it’s not desert desert like LV. It gets more than 3x the rain.

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Yeah I meant modest in size/design not price. I assume something that would cost $400-600K here would be like $2M there.

I thought that was conservative/Trumpy in that area?

Yeah this is a wild card, I’m not sure what casinos I’d be in and we’re 2-4 years away from this being a possibility anyway, but probably Hustler, The Bike, and Gardens would be my guess.

San Pedro looks interesting location wise, but I’m guessing it’s pretty far from those casinos. We’d also probably be factoring in kids at that point, they’d only be a few years off at the most.

Huntington Beach (next to Seal Beach) has a Trumpy reputation, but that’s relative to other parts of SoCal and that’s largely because gatherings have happened there. I don’t know that Seal Beach is. Obviously it’s not Santa Monica, but neither is Manhattan Beach. If you want a liberal area close to the beach with good schools, that’s Santa Monica…period. It’s a bit worse of a drive, but you can drive at off hours, so maybe it’s not that bad.

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Yeah a liberal area would be nice, a non-Trumpy area is essential. It’s nice living around more progressively minded people, it’s ok to live around Romney type conservatives who want lower taxes and don’t do/say deplorable shit, but the Trumpy types can fuck right off.

That’s actually a big reason the move would be considered. One is my career, the other is being in a progressive state on social issues. The ocean and 70 degree days don’t hurt, either.

It’s like watching a horror movie where the partying teenagers are oblivious to the killer behind them.

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Word in the meteorological circles is that another La Nina will hit this winter which will greatly affect (negatively) the snowpack in the Sierra and Rocky mountains.

Which is really really bad. We are in desperate need of a heavy snow year, and it doesn’t seem like we are going to get it.

Republicans will run on not making any reductions, and letting God decide when it runs out. Can’t trust these silly meteorologists. Oh and no cuts meant no American cuts. No more water for Mexico.

This will sadly play well to a lot of voters who just want to water their lawns.



A dispute over water rights between California and a fascist GOP federal government could be the thing that’s splits the union.


So I’ve been getting some inside info on Manchin’s side deal. Like listening in on congressional staff zoom calls as they’re developing strategy against it. It’s kind of exciting, but also a bit demoralizing because it sounds like the plan is to ram it through with the annual continuing resolution, so the only way to stop it is to threaten to shut down the government over it. I feel like progressives have already caved on less so I’m not optimistic.

The whole situation kinda reminds me of a book I just read.


80% of the water people use in CA is for agriculture. Regardless of how powerful a lobby they are or how convincing their signs along the I5 are, that’s just going to have to change.






Setting up the Save Jobs sign in front of the Braceros is especially rich.

Thing is, a fascist GOP federal government can cut off all water to California, dam the river and redirect it away from California all together. So California would have to literally go to war over the water.

A side deal that’s presumably great for coal/oil? That’ll get snuck into a budget CR?

Yeah, Manchin was promised a separate bill with more oil and gas handouts. Like a reverse BBB situation. Although the promise wasn’t even made with the representatives who would want to vote it down so I’ve been wondering how they expect to pass it. If I was them I’d be salivating at the opportunity for revenge. But it’s going to be put in the CR so it will be a lot tougher for Democrats to vote it down.

This is the beginning of a new Mad Max remake I think.

The Trump Party will never be this good at infrastructure. They’ll just do We’re Gonna Build A Dam And Make California Pay For It rally chants.