Climate Change and the Environment

Legit wow.

I’m kinda really hoping this is because they told him ‘we’re really going to fuck your daughter if you don’t start to toe the party line’.




graph source

Interesting how long we’ve understood the basic mechanism and yet continued burning increasing amounts of fossil fuel.

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Toxic dust incoming.

In lieu of the news of the probable passing of the Inflation Reduction Act. Here is a good read on it’s impact to clean energy.

If anybody needs a new career, this looks like a great time to become a climate reporter. This is just the first three I remembered seeing today. There were more, and it is like this every day. I’m not even seeking this stuff out. There’s a constant stream of it now everywhere I look.

‘They are not slowing down’: The rise of billion-dollar disasters

One battered N.C. community illustrates how summer, fueled in part by climate change, is proving an especially perilous and costly season

good to revisit the function that is lake powell was meant to perform given the new climate reality

And we’re only about halfway through fire season in California. We are so incredibly fucked

It will send many a derper lawnmower into orbit when we eventually have to drain Lake Powell. They see boating on Lake Powell as a sacred birthright, and will be furious when it is taken away by the woke libs and their tall tales of climate change.

pretty cool photo. credit to Stefani Reynolds of the New York Times


What if someone formed an opinion about the potential of solar energy in 2010 and hasn’t re-examined it? What if they formed that opinion in 2005?

Cliff: The amount of energy you need to liquify a cube of ice can also heat the molten water to about 79°C. And yeah we are fucked.

A cost-benefit analysis by the Climate Justice Alliance (CJA), which represents a wide range of urban and rural groups nationwide, concludes that the strengths of the IRA are outweighed by the bill’s weaknesses and threats posed by the expansion of fossil fuels and unproven technologies such as carbon capture and hydrogen generation – which the bill will incentivise with billions of dollars of tax credits that will mostly benefit oil and gas.


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They may be in a very very very exclusive group: people who have actually read the 755 pages.

This is such a bad take. CCUS and hydrogen are unproven only because the work has not been done yet at scale. It is being done right now.

The key point is there is literally no other option. Both work already. If neither of these are scalable we are simply not meeting global decarbonization targets. Period.

I’m so sick of fantasy worlds where the globe just shuts off all fossil fuels one day. It’s just kindergarten stuff.


I dont think this is entirely true.

CCS and hydrogen are often used as an excuse to delay significant and rapid cuts to fossil fuel. Which are absolutely needed.

It’s an AND not an OR. And CCS etc is like 10% of the answer. With cutting fossil fuels the 90%.

So any bill which doesnt address the latter sufficiently is not going to get the job done, and we have an obligation to say so.

What form is carbon capture is currently proposed? Planting trees (billions of them), cutting down old trees and burying them might be possible but I’m guessing it’s something else.