Climate Change and the Environment

It sounds like this thing is basically an electric motor. It converts magnetic energy into rotational energy, and vice versa. It still functions exactly as a flywheel would, but removes the part in between where you have an electric motor that drives the flywheel.

Australia recording notes of how we are screwing ourselves.

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In a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team of researchers modeled the human climate “niche”: the regions where temperature and precipitation have been most suitable for humans to live in over the past 6,000 years.

In the United States, that niche today blankets the heart of the country, from the Atlantic seaboard through northern Texas and Nebraska, and the California coast.

But as the climate warms, the niche could shift drastically northward. Under even a moderate carbon emissions scenario (known as RCP 4.5), by 2070 much of the Southeast becomes less suitable and the niche shifts toward the Midwest.

In the case of extreme warming (represented as RCP 8.5), the niche moves sharply toward Canada, leaving much of the lower half of the U.S. too hot or dry for the type of climate humans historically have lived in. Both scenarios suggest massive upheavals in where Americans currently live and grow food.

Heat alone, however, won’t determine Americans’ fate. A new climate analysis — presented for the first time here — projects how humidity and heat will collide to form “wet bulb” temperatures that will disrupt the norms of daily existence.

I’m going to start eating like shit again, need to die by 60.

Greenland gonna be the niche of all niches in 20 years.


even if this was some good faith attempt to buy the biggest climate change prize, he essentially was throwing a lowball offer that no sane economist would take seriously. wasn’t it $5B per year or something? lol.

Still a better deal than the Louisiana Purchase was for the French.


heh. maybe, but don’t even know if that’s true. manifest destiny would have taken the west anyway

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Wildfires in Kansas are totally normal in December.



it’s in the wake of some weird wind event traveling east. power outages around KC… and of course just a few days after all the tornadoes

we have thunderstorms and heavy rain in Minnesota right now with mid 50s temps. tornados were a possibility but i don’t think that will happen, totally normal

My flight to Chicago at 6 am already got cancelled. Fucking lame.

temps are going to plummet overnight, everything will probably be coated in ice when i wake up

I’m not exactly in Minneapolis but they could wait longer. I’m with Barreiro on the weather terrorist shit. AirBnb refunded me and let me check in Friday so if I don’t miss the show in Nashville I’ll be ok.

Northern Ontario here and significant rainfall is in the forecast overnight. Can’t ever remember rainfall this late into December. Temps expected to go back down Thursday evening. Roads are going to be nice and icy.

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Tornadoes in Nebraska