Climate Change and the Environment

Ok I guess we should turn a blind eye to the destruction of the Florida everglades and other sensitive wetlands which are nurseries and put it in the safe hands of developers.

Look we are so far apart on the environment there is not much to debate. I was not joking when I said I would end people’s right to own land and move people to places with the least impact. Our human sprawl is killing us.

Umm. I literally just said I spend much of my professional time conserving, rehabilitating and constructing wetlands.

Alright. Still want to move people out of sensitive wetlands and estuaries.

Agree. Most wetland policies mandate exactly that. Many have a ranking system where highest value wetlands must be avoided and lower value wetlands can only be impacted when a developer shows all attempts for avoidance have been exhausted.

Typically the operate on a hierarchy mandating, in order,


We are still destroying them in the US and with further deregulation will destroy even more then we were.

I’d link you to the destruction numbers but I’m bad at iPod linking.

Just wondering do you work for developers?

Yep. All environmental consultants do. We also work for NGOs and government sometimes.

Our job is basically to interpret regulation for our clients and help them stay compliant.

No industry does the work needed for environmental compliance themselves. They all hire consultants as we have biologists, agrologists, geologists, archaeologist etc on staff.

I’d be curious to see your local numbers but no need to convince me. In some regions, especially agriculture, we have lost more than 90% of wetlands already.

I understand all that. Was just wondering if you work with them or some gov agency.

Ah. I run a consulting firm of about 50 people. We do work for oil and gas, residential and commercial developers, NGOs, government, road builders, solar and wind power operators and forestry.

I spend much of my time helping clients understand wetland and wildlife regulation.

I did not mean local. The continued destruction of wetlands in the US Is a google away.

Indeed. The one silver lining is we can engineer ourselves a little out of wetland lose as we can mimic the flood mitigation and habitat pretty well and we are getting better. As far as environmental destruction we have some solutions which is better than we have for many wildlife loses, for example.

Another huge issue not getting enough attention is fisheries depletion. Invasive species and disease is causing havoc in many North American watersheds.

Ugh. I’m not looking for lectures from the teacher here. Like I said we are far to far apart on this issue. There would be no land ownership if I was king.

Just curious, do you ever work with agencies on NEPA preparation?

I’m in Canada so no. We do our version which is called CEAA. Same thing basically.

I don’t understand why you are being so aggressive? You said you had an interest in wetland conservation so I thought you might like to know a bit how it works.

Because of things like the above. I already know how I’d make it work.

In Florida, at least, cattails are a sign of an unhealthy wetland. It means there is too much phosphorus in the system.