Climate Change and the Environment

It’s sad that small minds such as yours allow irrational feelings to cloud your thinking.

According to polls, what is missed most about the former Soviet Union was its shared economic system, which provided a modicum of financial stability. Neoliberal economic reforms after the fall of the USSR and the Eastern Bloc resulted in harsh living standards for the general population.[10][11][12][13] Policies associated with privatization allowed of the country’s economy to fall in the hands of a newly established business oligarchy.

75% of Russians Say Soviet Era Was ‘Greatest Time’ in Country’s History – Poll

Thanks for asking for cites.

Eh. Dude that was a bad cite. Like bottom of churchill’s range bad.

Tortured misreading.

Capitalism is highly flawed. My argument is that it takes unwarranted absolutist criticism itt based upon the strong evidence that it has benefited large amounts of people left behind egregiously in other systems.

I wasn’t expecting you to credulously actually post support for your position. Well done.

I’ll take none, if you don’t.

You are imagining lots of arguments I don’t make, though.

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You’re making assumptions that the article doesn’t make, and I certainly don’t believe.

It certainly means you have LESS to be concerned with if daily life isn’t literally life and death. Of course.

Sadly I wasn’t kidding :cold_face:

You’ve offended the QAnon anti-intellectualists.

You can be concerned with daily life and death in the United States for considerably more than 2 dollars a day dude. I didn’t misrepresent that article in the slightest. The author means every word I attributed to him. The whole thing is a giant cynical lie hung on a few truths like the conspiracy theorists do.

He put quotes around income inequality lol.

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You’re making this all too easy.

At least try to make a cogent point.

That’s an authoritarian country melting down. And yes we know command economies don’t work. Good thing nobody is advocating for one of those. That situation is why I lose my goddamn mind when people talk about things like ‘land reform’ on this site. The left has their own problems. That doesn’t make the libertarians any better. They’re substantially worse than all but the tankiest lefties.

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Of course. But the risks accelerate substantially at the tail end.


Show me where someone advocated for a Venezuela style nationalize all the property command economy and I’ll mock them right along with you. Your article would still be absolutely trash.

@bored have you read Parenti? If you recall, his musings were literally the origin of this debate.


I block a lot of people. Who is Parenti?

Basic posting libertarian propaganda?



A guy lauded and cited by @MysteryConman who several others unanimously agreed with against my cite to Brookings lol.