ChrisV's Walrus - Reveal Thread

Wait - am I in a thread or an email chain? I’m soooo confused.

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Hello, this is Facebook. Would you like to buy some workout shorts?


13th is higher than I was expecting for that one. I hate political songs so I just pulled a weird song I like out of my ass. I’ll call it a win!

Also it’s not rap it’s more just straight dance music than anything else.

I feel like I am a contestant at the Eurovision song contest.

Nice job finding that needle in a haystack - a political U2 song.


In 8th place, scoring 8 points, Master3004 with Testify by Rage Against The Machine

Well now. I like RATM a lot and I have seven songs in my Spotify likes list off the 12-track Battle of Los Angeles. This isn’t one of them. I’ve always found it a bit of an awkward sounding song, missing RATM’s trademark groove. Since it was the third single, it’s probably just me. Unfortunately for you, “just me” is also who is judging this Walrus.

If I was picking a song off Battle of Los Angeles, and I wanted to avoid the singles, I’d definitely go with New Millennium Homes, a song which does bring the funk.

A FIRE IN THE MASTER’S HOUSE IS SET! Not your house, Master.

Mother fuck. I ALMOST chose New Millenium Homes



I almost submitted a Rage against the Machine song (Renegades of Funk).

Hahaha likewise, though I figured they were too obvious. They wouldn’t have fit with the rest of my submittals anyways

I just think as a protest song I liked Testify slightly better, especially with its focus on the media landscape and their impact on foreign wars. Since we all have a very complicated relationship with the media, I thought it fit well here

oof. well, that’s the reason I like Red Hill…it’s not your typical U2 big protest song.

Can we ask hypotheticals after a full category reveal? Bc I was between two songs and chose the less popular one.

I wonder if we get any duplicates along the way. Most categories are pretty broad so politics is probably the most likely for that to happen.

I plan to for my “things that make me change my mood” song

Sure, ask now if you want.

No identical submissions, but there are I believe two categories where two songs by the same band were submitted. Someone also submitted a song which was submitted to my last walrus.

System of a Down - Prison Song

Based on your criteria I thought it was too blatantly political.

They’re tryin’ to build a prisssssson

ernt ernt ernt ernt ernt



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I’m sorry I missed this. Maybe next time :slight_smile: