Chinese government response to Coronavirus

Then what the hell are you arguing with me about it for?

How could he have expected people to remember something from as far back as the day before?

That isn’t defending Trump? That isn’t comparing China’s response to Trump’s response? It’s just a simple statement – if the virus was so rampant that Trump was briefed on it in November, then China’s response is even worse than than the conventional wisdom would have you believe. They would have ignored and denied it for three months instead of one or two.

Yes it is? Yes it is?


How do you figure?

This is where the comparing starts. The defending Trump aspect is more an emergent property of the re-iterated comparison.

I’m not comparing the Chinese response to Trump’s response there. I’m just pointing out that the Chinese government lied and covered up their epidemic. Which is obviously true.


Trump wasn’t briefed on ‘this’ coronavrius in November. Probably briefed about the impact of any future Coronavirus epedemic. In October 2019 The WHO’s head of pandemic virus’ published a report about ‘a worse case pandemic involving respiratory illness’ as such a pendemic has been feared and seen as overdue for years. Maybe Trump is being presented with that report asa opposed to China hiding what wasn’t really happening in Nov 19.

Here’s the dates as things happenened to refresh your memory

Not at all strange the WHO had not yet confirmed Human to Human transmission as 31 Dec 2019 is the date world realised had major problem. 1st case outside China (Thailand) not confirmed to 13 Jan. WHO never go early with their info - they kinda need medical proof unlike Trump.

Again, how in the world am I comparing Trump’s response to China’s? I didn’t say anything about Trump’s response. I didn’t imply anything about Trump’s response. I was just talking about China’s response. Not everything is about Trump.

Day 20

Monday 20 January

Human-to-human transmission confirmed

Zhong Nanshan, a trusted respiratory expert and the public face of the Chinese government response, goes on state television with bad news: two new cases of the virus have surfaced in Guangdong province among patients with no direct contact with Wuhan.

The conclusion is clear. “We can say it is certain that it is a human-to-human transmission phenomenon,” Zhong says.

Having seemed to vanish in China for more than a fortnight, the virus is now appearing across the country. On Friday night there were four new cases. By Sunday, 139. By the end of tomorrow, cases will have been confirmed in Beijing and Shanghai.

It is spreading around the world: Japan, South Korea, and the US, where yesterday a 35-year old man who had recently returned from Wuhan presented to a clinic in Washington state with a cough and a high fever, becoming the country’s first case.

Donald Trump received his first substantive briefing on the virus two days ago, during a session where he interrupted to ask when flavoured vaping products would return to the market, according to the Washington Post.

Panic is growing in Wuhan. At 6am, more than 100 patients with coronavirus symptoms were waiting to be seen at the city’s Xiehe hospital, a worker tells the Guardian.

20 January 2020 - First case outside Wuhan identified in person with no contact to Wuhan = First defintive Human to Human transfer - could have been the Wuhan water supply or Wuhan air before catagoric evidence of human to human trasnfer!

So no suprise Keed that Human to Human transfer not stated as conclusive by WHO at 14 Jan 2020

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Fwiw, this derail isn’t even keed’s fault

Maybe the Chinese government could have determined this a little faster if they weren’t so busy imprisoning/disappearing virus whistle blowers in December 2019.

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Yea i mean i guess 2 months wasn’t enough for trump

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China has a large Government, Keed. Might be able to do 1 or 2 things at once.

All I’ve seen is China coming clean that they were wrong to supress the Dr whistleblower and officially went on record stating this in March.

I have seen WH fire numerous officials and not set the record straight.

I think China released the Genome (?) information / map of COVID-19 to WHO just a week later.

Yes, the Chinese government can do two things at once. But did they? If they’re suppressing whistleblowers why in the world would you think they would be simultaneously doing the public health work that would be needed to determine if there was community spread?

Li Wenliang was sounding the alarm in early December. There is no evidence that the Chinese government took the necessary action in December as far as I can see.

30th December is not early December, Keeed

He had sent out a warning to fellow medics on 30 December but police told him to stop “making false comments”.

That’s because there was no evidence this was going to affect the rest of the world, if any evidence before mid December this thing was even a virus - is the US alerting the WHO if a few hundred people in Arizona die? Could be the water, right?

Not to mention the 3-ish years before that to actually have a pandemic response plan/team in place. And the months since then to come up with some semblance of a plan, which the administration doesn’t have.

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Looks like China figured out it was a virus similar to SARS on December 26. Four days later arresting whistleblowers (one of which is still missing, I’m sure she’s OK though). Twenty days later, no evidence of human to human transmission. Bang up job.