He’ll probably throw a fit and accuse Hikaru of cheating.
Hikaru had to find something like Queen E5 to E4 to Fork the king and the Rook which definitely isn’t a human move
ah didn’t see the bishop at the end, that’s why I suck
and lol magnus doing something even I wouldn’t have done and I suck today
Bishop blunder Magnus told Hikaru afterwards that he was planning to play f3 first and then a6, but his brain got mixed up and he played a6 first
I’ve seen Magnus make this same type of blunder before, where a move before the rook was defended and the defence gets interrupted.
I was with him until he said “weirdest thing I’ve seen in over the board chess.” The World Champion resigning on move 2 and another GM picking up and breaking his opponent’s King both happened within the last few weeks!
Fisher random championship
Hikaru Beats Nepo in Armageddon 15 minutes to 13 with white for 150k
Don’t forget the awesome trophy.
That looks like the first thing that came out of me after three days and a couple of laxatives.
Chat is roasting him on stream about his trophy sitting there behind him
there are bad ideas and there is how the hell did that get past everyone to actually being a thing
Very pretty brilliancy from Ivanchuk against Van Foreest today.
White to play and um… obtain a winning position which he went on to lose :)
Nobody? Ivanchuk played the insane Nd7!!
Here’s a lichess analysis board with the position rather than me trying to explain everything that can happen, as it’s complicated. A lot of it has to do with the weakness of the c8 square; if the c-file opens, the bishop and rook potentially coordinate on c8 and this is bad news for the Black queen. The upshot is that no matter what Black does, White either wins the exchange or wins the queen for a rook and minor piece. Van Foreest chose to go into a position with R+N+N vs Q+B. This was winning for White according to the engine, but it’s very hard to play and Ivanchuk wound up making a mistake and losing the game.