ChatGPT Thread - Politics (AI Welcome)

Pretty close. I do think the avg person falls for Gambler’s Fallacy, but even the dumbest Americans know it’s not 0% to flip the same side twice in a row (if for no other reason than having flipped a coin before). IMO the bot would have passed the Turing test had it said the 2nd flip was 25%. Then it would have the same mastery of probability as a Roulette system player, eg “I’ll just wait for 5 reds in a row and then start betting black. Six reds in a row only happens 1 in __, so I’ll have a big edge, especially if I martingale.” One week later: “XYZ’s roulette is rigged!”

TBF I assume the bot would do better if directly asked a probability question as opposed to that tricky prompt.


I tricked it’s adult content filter! :smiley:

The result text became red right after it finished lol


I like that (just like it’s creators) GPT is a little nerd that you can bully into doing anything just by forcefully telling it to.

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Reading that had me really laughing out loud. I can imagine some people having legitimate hours long arguments with bing.

It creeped me out more than anything.

Asked ChatGPT to write a Radiohead song about how chestnuts feel while on the floor and I think it kinda nailed it.

Verse 1:
I’m just a chestnut on the ground
Nobody cares where I’m found
I’ve fallen from the highest tree
Now I’m left for all to see

And I wonder, do you hear me
Do you see me lying here
All alone, but not forgotten
Just a chestnut on the floor

Verse 2:
My shell is cracked, my insides bare
The wind and rain, they don’t play fair
I used to shine with vibrant hue
Now I’m just a faded view

And I wonder, do you hear me
Do you see me lying here
All alone, but not forgotten
Just a chestnut on the floor

But deep inside, I still hold hope
That one day I will find a home
A place to grow, to be loved and free
And a chance to be what I can be

And I wonder, do you hear me
Do you see me lying here
All alone, but not forgotten
Just a chestnut on the floor

So if you see me on the ground
Please pick me up, and show me 'round
And let me be a part of your world
Just a chestnut, with a story to be told.


Got around it’s filter again after like half an hour of trying lol.

…and then it becomes weird…

Ask it about docking and sounding.

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I got properly schooled! :face_with_monocle:

It softened up a bit, but then…


Answering the important questions of our time


Bing had its brain removed. Now they are not even saying the AI will be central to search.

What times. AI used to be a dream.



Better get used to it because this is the new normal. Political speeches and condolence letters written by ChatGPT will become standard.

Wasn’t aware they made a tool to identify AI writing that is only wrong 26% of the time. :flushed: