Capitol Attack

Officer dead.

Must be white.


Thankfully, the trump-supporting terrorist was killed during the trump-inspired terrorist attack that donald trump is ultimately responsible for


I don’t understand why Joe Biden isn’t drone striking the person responsible for inciting this terrorism. We know where he is


From CNN

The suspect in today’s attack has been identified as Noah Green, according to federal and local law enforcement sources.

One federal source said he is 25.


On his Facebook page, he notes that he is a follower of the Nation of Islam.

Will probably have to update this thread title to be more specific because so many Trump supporters these days are engaging in suicide terror attacks on the capitol

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Am I the only one who thinks it’s okay if they wait a while before announcing what his motive is? Maybe he was high off his ass, who knows. As long as we don’t hear about how he had a tough day.

Matt Gaetz would like as much coverage of this incident as possible.


I dont know a ton about the Nation of Islam. Are they really reverant of Jesus and stuff like the book of revelation?

No idea. Just learning something about them myself.

These held that over 6,000 years ago, the black race lived in a paradise on earth that was destroyed by the evil wizard Yacub, who created the white “devil” through a scientific process called “grafting.” Fard and his disciple preached of a coming apocalyptic overthrow of white domination, insisting that the dominion of evil was to end with God’s appearance on earth in the person of Fard. Following this, NOI predicts an epic struggle in which the Nation of Islam will play a key role in preparing and educating the Original People, who ruled the earth in peace and prosperity until Yacub’s “blue-eyed devils” came along to gum things up. The Nation of Islam teaches that intermarriage or race mixing should be prohibited.

Close @OP

Another poor young man lost to mental illness.

More from that SPLC page on Nation of Islam:

Later that same year [2016] during the presidential race Farrakhan expressed his liking for Donald Trump. At his Saviours’ Day event, he let his followers know that Trump would help push black Americans to break away from “white America.”

With the emergence of the “alt-right” occurring around the same period, it wasn’t long before the two groups realized they had a lot in common.


So just as crazy as all the other religions then


Did Noah hit dry land?

Black member of the nation of Islam. However he sounds like he was bonkers nuts.

The way people in this country misuse the word terrorism is really odd. We regularly misapply it in both directions.

I am sure there are innocent explanations.

How can someone intentionally crashing a vehicle into the capitol barrier be anything other than a terrorist attack?

Really wish someone in the entire history of time could have created a bugsbunnybatsignal.gif for this moment.

I don’t want to call him a liar but I am going to need more evidence than his own word before a suicide attack.

idk if there is any sort of official definition, but I personally think terrorism needs to be an individual or individuals trying to affect political change on behalf of some organization or movement larger than themselves. Like that guy who crashed his plane into the White House during the Clinton administration clearly wasn’t a terrorist, we was just suicidal in a grandiose way.

Apparently the White House plane guy may have actually been really drunk/high. I had always though it was suicide.