Capitalism vs. Socialism

This is afactual bullshit.

This crap spread around tankie Twitter like two months ago. You need to do some basic reading

I’m not on Twitter, I must have gotten my tankie instructions somewhere else

Yeah it’s the same horseshit though. For starters, korea wasnt divided unilaterally by the USA. It was divided by the USA and Soviets. If dividing Korea somehow instigated the Korean War, the Soviets would bear responsibility for that too (not to mention, you know, the massive amount of material support they gave NK to invade)

Anyways NK and SK were in very similar economic situations after the war. Both sides were devastated. One recovered, one didn’t. Turned out a repressive communist dictatorship wasn’t awesome.

Iirc SK struggled for a long time after as well

Does Wikipedia count as basic reading? Or is that also tankie propaganda

Right but that’s kind of the point. Attributing the results to the economic structure and ignoring the global environment, particularly the actions of the US before, during, and after the war, is exactly why you can’t just sort the Koreas by modern GDP and conclude “capitalism wins”

(Tapping at my original post like the sign on the bus)

The soviets literally helped plan the damn invasion dude. The soviets then helped China get involved. The USA didn’t instigate the war. The war was instigated by Kim with the support of the Soviets who thought SK was too weakened by the years long insurgency they had been funding in SK and that the USA wouldn’t intervene because they didn’t intervene in the Chinese Revolution.

The Korean War is an example of Soviet warmongering, not American. It’s tankie bullshit to say otherwise. Period.

These things don’t just happen in a vacuum. Hamas didn’t just wake up one day and decide to attack Israel with no provocation either.

No one claimed that it did. The existence of context does not support your assertion that the USA instigated the war

And re: communism vs socialism in the peninsula and more generally -

I had forgotten this, but North Korea was actually much better off after the war than the South. Once the south got their shit together in the 70s/80s, that changed rapidly. The idea that NK was bombed into being an economic disaster is a fantasy invented by tankies

And “getting their shit together” had nothing to do with the US paying them to support our war in Vietnam. Again, you can’t just sort the Koreas by modern GDP and conclude “capitalism good communism bad”


Environmental destruction is a lot faster under socialism. Not many veto points.

As far as the broader point, would people prefer to live in capitalist South Korea or socialist North Korea?

The scale is larger with capitalism.

Tell that to the three gorges dam or Beiging air pollution.

South Korea getting its shit together in the 80’s was a socialist turn. It’s when SK started having the government interfere with the economy and enact the protectionism that allowed its industry to develop.

Excellent book on the subject

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It did not. Having stable governance allowed for business to flourish.

“Again, you can’t just sort the Koreas by modern GDP and conclude “capitalism good communism bad””

Well there’s everywhere else too. It’s not like Korea is the only example here lol.

When did leftists start using right wing nut jobs of socialism?

Oh it’s because all the actually socialist countries failed, are shitholes, or enacted enough market reforms that they are no longer socialists

Do you think that makes sense?