Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

every time i’m coming back down the turnpike from michigan, everything is down in the spare tire area of my trunk, the bag and receipt were tossed before i left the parking lot in monroe.

i know the feds are gonna make it a little more difficult than “bro prove i crossed state lines, i live in ohio and i’m in ohio”, but… bro prove i crossed state lines.

realistically there’s what, a couple mile window crossing over that you have to drive the speed limit?

gonna be going again in a couple weeks, i think i’ve said this before but i always got a kick out of the gun being legal in ohio but not michigan, but the weed being legal in michigan and not in ohio. like is there maybe a tenth of a second where they’re both legal if i’m driving slow enough? haha

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Teenagers seem to be using fewer illicit substances in general.

“For example, alcohol use and vaping have both decreased among eighth–12th graders since 2020, so I don’t think this decrease in cannabis prevalence among teens is specifically due to cannabis legalization but is rather more reflective of a broader trend in post-pandemic substance use,” Gette added.


Hemp has so many uses. Kind of hilarious that it was banned back when nobody had the means to get usable amounts of THC from it. But terminology problems and racism are a helluva drug

Depends who you ask