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I don’t know what you call it I’m not really into growing. it was about 5 feet high and opened with a door, inside were UV lights and some humidity stuff. he grew an excellent batch out of it.


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I’ve made some powerful batches of tincture using 190 proof grain alcohol and a Magical Butter Machine. I reduce on an electric stove in a corning ware pot over a metal pot with water in it. I bring the heat up on 3 and wind up turning it down to 1.5 after the first 30 minutes of so. It starts to boil around 150 degrees and never tops 180. I feel safe doing it and have reduced multiple batches from 40 ounces down to less than 2. I might have some pics…

I set mine to tincture for 8 hours at 130 degrees. Works well but is obnoxiously loud for 30 seconds every 15 minutes or so when the blade is spinning.

I use this site to estimate potency:

I do 15ml dropper bottles and my best googling indicates there’s 250 drops per 15ml, so I set the serving size to 250.


Awesome, thanks. I used to have a magical butter machine but never really got much use out of it. … I am currently reducing a tincture from 24 oz to 4 oz using a rice cooker as a double boiler. With today’s electricity prices, this is probably a horrible idea and could take a week.

can confirm.

Anyone here have experience using a Pax 3? Specifically the concentrate insert? I’ve had a Pax 2 for a couple years and it finally crapped out. I really liked it for a portable flower vape, and the Pax 3 complete set with the concentrate insert is on sale. I have basically no experience with concentrates, and was wondering if it’s a pain to clean, do you get super high, are they more expensive etc. I mainly just want to replace the flower vape but the insert is pretty cheap and might end up useful.

No experience with the Pax 2 or 3. Had a Pax 1 in 2017-18 and gave it away because concentrates hurt my lungs and don’t get me as high as flower. I bought a Crafty+ that the battery died on and I found Storz and Bickels customer service to be complete shit. Tiny Mite is the next vape on my wish list.

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Spending a nice, Saturday afternoon making firecrackers.

Looks like the new Pax products are “Pax Mini” and “Pax Plus.” Mini is obviously smaller, I think that might be it. The Plus looks hardly distinguishable from the Pax 3 to me, I guess it has a different screen and something called “Experience Modes” which sounds stupid and might just be a fanciful rebranding of temperature settings. Lame. Pax 3 still on sale I guess I’ll go with it.

Anyone have much experience with a Crafty+? I bought it awhile ago and used for a little bit but never really got much of a head change. I recently pulled it out of the box and decided to give it another go because I’m dealing with RSV and my throat can’t handle inhaling the smoke from combustion without violent coughing. I’ve watched a few videos, read blog posts, but honestly, vaping kinda sucks… So ya, I am just assuming I’m the idiot here (sorry for the namecalling cw).

Anyone have tips? Ultimately I’d like to switch to vaping completely, but if it can’t provide the same effect then I’m not interested.

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Turn it on and triple click to get the temp up to max. Mine got me high and taste was great, but it died on me just out of warranty and I tossed it.


Tried it. I got minimal buzz and flavor. Did a little bit more searching around and I was like “fuck it, I’ll clean it again”. It turns out I had completely missed that the “Cooling Unit” separates with a top & bottom… I tried to separate mine but it was extremely stuck. I couldn’t get it to come apart at all, so set it in some isopropyl for a little bit and then ran it under some hot water and it FINALLY separated. Would you be surprised to find out that the inside was caked and probably had a 0.5g resin ball blocking the mouth? I’m in the process of cleaning it fully and haven’t tried it yet, but I’m pretty sure it’s going to work now. So, remember when I said I’m probably the idiot?


Mine was pretty gross the first time I cleaned it. I ground my weed in a tiny grinder, so it was pretty fine and I think that helped with performance. I miss making smoothies with ABV weed tho.

Volcano classic crushing it for 14 yrs.


Yup, bought mine in 2006 and it’s still going strong.


The Storz & Bickel reputation from the Volcano is what tilted me towards getting the Crafty. I just wanted something that was portable as well.

Now that it is all cleaned out, it works as expected. I cannot underscore how much more flavorful vaping is compared to smoking. It’s like comparing a fine dining meal to literal dirt. I forgot it was so much better

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