Cannabis: Now Cheap and Legal Everywhere*

Allow me to live stream the event for Unstuck and your lodging is free


Many, many moons ago, a friend was dared to drink the bongwater, he did.

Wound up in the hospital for a couple days…




It was pass the House and get bipartisan support signals from various Senators before Bitch refuses to bring it to the floor for a vote because the senate majority leader runs the country.


I’m old enough to remember having to go to some sketchy dude’s basement to buy 6 months worth of weed ($400) at a time. His name was always Clayton or Travis. For some reason these guys always wanted to smoke a bowl, maybe to pretend like we were friends rather than business partners. I remember one time my buddy had a hook up with some extra sketchy guy I had never met. Friend said it was better if I wait in the car. MF’er was in there for nearly an hour and I nearly pissed my pants. There was an empty Coke can at my feet but I just couldn’t bring myself to whip it out and piss in a can. Man, that was painful. Don’t underestimate a full bladder.


Lol Repubes voting no all over the place

I mostly posted it because of the marijuana mask in the US house, thought it was funny

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With friends like that, who needs Fiji?

San Francisco is over with. Do they make city sized guillotine blades?

These guys retiring was a sure sign.


do this, please

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What happened? Why?

Oh xmas tree, oh xmas tree


Saw prong open for ozzy years back. Sheeit

As I’m slipping into my usual Friday-night weed fueled insanity, I wanted to ask how the reduced tincture is. Does it have less alcohol burn than the pre-reduced stuff? Is it noticeably substantially stronger per volume?

Asking because I still haven’t reduced mine, and like prana said at some point, it’s not that strong. Although I haven’t given it a super-rigorous test; I’ve always gotten impatient and hit the Pax a while after I’ve tried it. And it burns like a mother under the tongue.

Way less alcohol burn and it only takes fractions of milliliters to get the job done. I reduced each bottle separately and each one reduced from over 5 ounces down to 1/2 an ounce or less. Supercharged it and reduced burn to almost nothing. I just gave my sister a dropper bottle and told her to start with 0.5 ml in a cup of coffee. I’ll take this step as a matter of practice with new batches.


Okay, that’s good to know. I’ll reduce mine down too asap.

Let the flowering begin, everything’s coming up Milhouse!