California 2022 Propositions: Now with 2024!

So you think making it illegal is better? I would tend to agree that controls on advertising, like with cigs, is better.

How about some billboards for bike rides, disc golf, and fucking? Nanny state wouldn’t be so bad if they knew bad from good.

yeah this. I know we’re a forum of former poker players, but let’s be honest, easy access to gambling is absolutely a societal net negative, and is absolutely a regressive tax on people who are bad at math.

This same thing, basically word for word, happened to my uncle. He had a decent middle-class life, a good job working for the government with a pension, owned a house. Within 3 years he was on the streets. 2 years later he was dead.

Disc golf courses are already getting too crowded. No thanks.

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I don’t see how sports betting is functionally different than any other kind of gambling to an addict. You can absolutely lose everything to it relatively quickly.

So I got my CA ballot and started looking into the props for this cycle.

Some are clearly good and some are clearly bad. Been looking at the polling, particularly 36, and the Boogyman is winning by a wide margin on that one, so looks lile CA will be reclassing some felonies that were reclassed as misdemeanors back into felonies, which will do approx fuck all while costing the state a ton and putting money into the coffers of the DAs and police.

Rent control (33)is finally winning in the state after two tries, but the polling is close so its important to vote on this one.

And for some reason, although the reds have raised $0 in opposition, Prop 6 which would stop the state from punishing inamtes who refuse to work on involuntary assignments is polling to fail by 4 points currently.

Even in the bluest of states, people just cant get over wanting to punish people simply to punish them. There is no rehabilatory action in forcing people to become firefighters against their will because they commited a crime. Its cruelty for cruelty’s sake.

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Got my ballot today too. I haven’t thought about the propositions yet. Anyone doing any research and posting would be great. You have to watch that propositions aren’t really going to do the opposite of what they say as the authors try to trick people.

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Calmatters is a great resource. It lists every prop, who has endorsed each side, who has raised money for and how much for each side, and current polling.



  • WALMART $3.58 million
  • TARGET CORPORATION $1.50 million
  • HOME DEPOT USA, INC. $1.00 million

OK, these make sense to spend money trying to crack down on retail theft or whatever, but then the next two are

  • TAYLOR FRESH FOODS, INC. $1.00 million

Why the fuck is a salad company spending a million dollars on retail theft?

  • IN-N-OUT BURGERS $500k

That’s 100,000 double-doubles ferchrissakes.

I forget if this link was shared here at UP or somewhere else, but California Yimby is recommending a no on 33.

I haven’t read arguments from the YES side yet, but the above article says 33 is over-broad and can be used as a bad-faith tool to reduce total housing supply. Also criticizes the sponsor of 33 as a “slumlord.”

Personally still undecided, it does feel wrong being on the side of the large corporate builders that are opposing 33.

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I’m going 100% YIMBY.

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It feels a bit to me like YIMBY is making perfect the enemy of good. Weve been trying to get this done a long time, and the groups in opposition are very telling

I’m ambivalent on rent control, but dunno why cities shouldn’t be able to decide for themselves.

36 is the easiest no possible.

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6 is the easiest yes possible. Maybe tied with 3.

3 will paas, 6 is an uphill climb. 36 is going to pass easily unfortunately.

Prop 2 - voted yes
Prop 3 - voted yes
Prop 4 - wasn’t sure on this one, ended up voting no because it seems like a legislature job
Prop 5 - voted no, wasn’t sure basically - vote no on those props
Prop 6 - voted yes
Prop 32 - voted yes
Prop 33 - voted hell no, rent control is really fucking stupid
Prop 35 - voted yes, kinda weird to vote on something that directly affects my payment rates
Prop 36 - voted no

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And yet, some of the groups in support of 33 are suspicious too.

Sorry, when republican NIMBY’s in Huntington Beach are all for prop 33, it makes me take a closer look.

the CA YIMBY analysis is a good one.

We’ve also got:

Also, when Buffy Wicks and Toni Atkins (two of the most prolific pro-housing legislators) oppose it, and Scott Wiener (the most pro-housing legislator) hasn’t taken a public position, I tend to take notice.

I’m a NO on 33, and I’m telling every Democrat I can that this is one the state party got wrong.


Ill take a look at it more. I havent voted yet, but I know Gavin went from not supporting the measure in 2022 to supporting this one.

Thats not an end all be all obviously, but a data point to consider