Business & Management chat


my culture is not a costume

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Really? The sales people at my company are always the most stylish dressers. This looks like a software engineer costume to me.

it depends (I do B2B enterprise software). the older guys know how to dress. the younger guys all look like tech bros. Sales engineering tends to keep the techbro look a lot longer.

none of the developers look like that. product managers, yes; engineers no.

my “I do not have brain damage” linkedin headline has people asking a lot of questions that are answered by the headline



why do people react to linkedin spam like this? imagine working up this level of righteous indignation every time you got email spam.

Douchebag MAGA on our work slack channel: “Hey everyone watch out for this new crime wave called ‘bank jugging’ where people stick you up at an ATM” or something.

Me: “Wow! Weird how Governor Abbott is allowing all this crime! Remember to vote in the midterms!”


Love it.

So, what did he say next?

“that’s some good ‘spin’ Chris, but governors don’t really have the power to change that” or something like that and I responded back with “I don’t know about that, do you have any sources from pulitzer prize winning journalism platforms like Newsmax?” as he’s posted links from it before… in work slack… yeah. That shut him up.

Probably better would have been “I remember when Governor Walz got lots of criticism back in summer of 2020 when MPLS ‘burned to the ground’ so which is it?” or something IDK. Whatever.

“Maybe that snowflake should’ve been carrying if he was going to the ATM.”

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Just got a company wide email pretty much out of the blue saying our company has been acquired “with immediate effect” by a company I’ve never heard of. " a change of this significance will bring some uncertainty but we will keep you informed of any plans that affect you as soon as possible"

How fucked am I? CV time?

Are you drinking buddies with your company’s Lumbergh?

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The way that’s worded…. Yikes. I’d be applying immediately unless you think you can get a nice severance.

Your CV should always be ready to go, but in this case I wouldn’t panic too much. Start by figuring out who this new company is and how much overlap they have with whatever you do in particular. Also, how directly your work is tied to revenue will matter a lot when they start looking for “synergies”.

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It’s a small company and I’m one of the three or so people who know how any of it works. Not that that will necessarily matter obv.

What is it that your company does well that they might be acquiring? Do you have valuable IP, a product they want to incorporate into their product line, just super smart people? Tough to say without knowing what you do but yea probably CV time

Probably just our client list tbh.


yeah start making calls


Any UPers hiring?

One of my scullery maids died from consumption. Are you good at polishing silverware?