Business & Management chat

I recently applied for an internal promotion and just used the “use prior resume” option plus “yes I currently work here and my manager is X.” Literally every non-HR person involved in the decision works with me daily, though.

Comments like these just have me banging my head against the wall when I hear “lAboR ShOrtaGe” or “It’S HaRD TO fiND pEOpLe”.

If 90% of the positions you apply for are dismissing you instantly, then either:

  • You are applying to things you’re unqualified for.
  • These positions are not at all difficult to fill.

If there is a third option, I’m having difficulty seeing it.

Resume filtering software insta discards people. It’s a big issue on the labor side. HR literally doesnt know you exist.

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Some position advertisements are just FAKE NEWS. Like I got a promotion where they posted the position, got a bunch of applications, didn’t interview me or anyone else and then gave me the job. HR just had some bullshit requirement that the position be posted for ten days even though the hiring manager knew that he was giving me the job. Sure sucks for everyone who wasted time applying!

If there’s a 90% rejection rate then sure, probably. Although there’s nothing wrong with applying for jobs you don’t have the qualifications for. Who knows, you still might be the best-qualified candidate.

Seen this in action too. It’s stupid for literally everyone involved.

But I would still very much classify that as “not hard to fill that position”.

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Some job listings are fake news on that they aren’t gonna hire anyone and are using it as a formality to say there were no qualified candidates so they can get H1Bs for cheap or whatever the term for that is.

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My boss showed me one of the applications and was all, lol, look at this guy he even wrote a two page cover letter. What a chump!

I was all, you are a psychopath.

And yeah, that’s not hard to fill that job for the employer but that doesn’t make someone who applied and got rejected for the fake job feel any better about his job search.

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Right. And it doubly sucks when the narrative is a non-stop barrage of “it’s hard to find employees”.

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Are these issues mostly in IT (and its derivatives), or are they more pervasive than that?

“We can’t find good people and also we literally ignore 99% of applications” is peak corporate America.


From articles I read, a 10-to-1 application-to-interview ratio doesn’t sound that out of the norm.

If it was truly hard to find people, people would be getting interviews near 100% of the time and job offers at least half as long as they fit the minimum criteria.

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About 10 years ago I had a job interview with a company and at the end the hiring manager told me something like, “I’m really impressed with you and out of the external candidates, you would definitely get the nod. But we have an internal candidate and our external interviews were only conducted due to company policy.”

lol I guess my company’s fake hiring process was much better, at least no one had to interview

What is this alleged “policy” they all have? I’m aware of no legitimate reason for it, maybe there is some labor law or discrimination thing I’m not thinking about.

My company has been open about this with me. They told me before hand I got the job and start training replacement but they have to post it and interview everyone to meet HR requirements. For both the lead position and supervisor spot.

My company is struggling to hire. We typically have a hundred applicants for 15 spots and can normally only get 8 to 10.

Of course. We could get better people/applicants if we pay more. We’ve made a couple of adjustments but more are needed.

Which just proves that this primarily about salary. Not lack of people.


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Not the exact same thing but, due to procurement policies at my job I often have to run RFP’s involving multiple vendors for a project when we are 99.9% sure we are going to hire a specific contractor who already knows all our systems and has been doing a good job for us for like a decade.

The HR thing sounds weird because for us it is more often a requirement to interview so many internal candidates before hiring an external but you can hire an internal without positing a job externally.

Yeah all of our promotions are internal and we still have to do it. I think HR is probably afraid of lawsuits because we’ve been hit with 2 since I’ve been here and I’ve gotten paid like $700. When you spread that to every employee that’s a lot of money

Are you guys getting raises consistent with inflation?

My employer is giving 2% basically across the board, people are not happy.