Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

Dude was a 100 years old 25 years ago


He can now enjoy the real experience of fighting demons in hell.


Not a well know dirtbag, but a dirtbag nonetheless.

And of course, another Republican example Of voter fraud.


Cheating prison by dying.

Hurray, another dead Republican! She voted against certifying the election, in case anyone was wondering if she was just an evil Republican or a very evil Republican. The largest city in her district is South Bend.

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Gorbachev. eeeeck, such ambivalence.

Talk about Value Above Replacement. Joe Manchin wishes he could be MG.

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Had absolutely no idea he was still alive.

Would have guessed he died 15 years ago.


But you know who is still alive? Fucking Kissinger.


At this point Iā€™m convinced heā€™s a vampire. Or maybe Emperor Palpatine.

Iā€™ll pour one out for Gorby. Not an expert, but he seemed to allow for a pretty soft landing during the dissolution of the USSR. 99% of other Supreme Executives of totalitarian states have not. They usually just keep the ball rolling.


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Iā€™m not a conspiracy theorist either, but I distinctly remember Gorbachev doing pizza commercials

Iā€™m not a conspiracy theorist either, as thereā€™s a drive into deep left field by Castellanos and thatā€™ll be a home run.



TV show that would be amazing.

Deep political drama about Kissinger. Except hes a vampire or ghoul.

Nah, an over-the-top action series where Kissinger is a vampire and a snarky vampire slayer hunts him down and beheads him is the way to go. Like a supernatural Inglorious Basterds with Kissinger instead of Hitler.

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He did Pizza Hut commercials in Russia

Putin has no drip. Unbuttoned double breasted suit, tie all fucked up, what the fuck is that haircut


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