Bump this thread when terrible famous people die

Where you at @CharlesDarwin

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The problem is most of these people have already had children, so not a true Darwin Award.


The Phil Valentine watch has ended.


Countdown to the gofundme starts now.



In December of 2020 he tweeted “I have a very low risk of A) Getting COVID and B) dying of it if I do. Why would I risk getting a heart attack or paralysis by getting the vaccine?”



Hate to step on the Valentine grave dancing (and who knew that would become a positive phrase?). but here’s a the WaPo version of a diner safari a la vax denier getting got. Plenty of “if you call me racist, I’ll vote for Trump” type thinking.



We need a meme that shows a choice between vaxman and the grim reeper.

Dead Valentine

lol - implying he was in fact pro-vaccine but just not enough … as opposed to being anti-vaxx and anti-mask which was his actual position - a position he enthusiastically spread across the airways. Too late now chump.

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What a murderers row of human filth:




Society has decided to reward people who demand to speak to the manager by giving them everything they want. For a lot of deplorables, in the face of the tiniest hint that they will have to give up any advantage or convenience or comfort, their reaction to vote for Trump is basically a political version of demanding to speak to the manager until someone (like Donnie Dumb Dumb) tells them that actually they are right about everything and should have everything they want. Make America Great Again really means I Demand To Speak To The Manager Of 'Merica.



How many of these assholes are there!?!

One of the things to keep in mind is that “conservative shock jock” has been the only remaining job in broadcast radio for the last 15 years or so. A lot of these guys presumably used to read the news or spin music etc. but this is the only remaining option. I also assume they don’t get health insurance.

I think that’s satire. Maybe?

My googling indicates Onion finally hit.

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Onion to onion hitting. Not on this timeline.