Bump this thread when terrible famous people die


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Too soon. Deserves the full Rush long and drawn out process.

What the heck is “double pneumonia?”

Not enough fuckin pneumonia for that guy that’s what it is


Serious answer is that it’s affecting both lungs (I think).


As someone who had it more than once I believe that is correct.


Reading this guy’s wiki and of course it was sad and then saw this:


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What a ■■■■

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[bumpin that]

I assume this guy goes here

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Billionaire belongs here.

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Was about to open a new “Bump This Thread When morally ambiguous Famous People Die” thread, but reading up a bit more, he has to go here I guess…

absolutely optimal wrt this guy to just watch his 60s-70s movies and never read anything about his personal opinions or what he looked like recently. If you do that he’s a god.

There was a piece in a French paper a few years ago about his life story, and when he describes the early part it’s basically “I went to xx place…this woman there fell in love with me and helped me by doing yyy…” (repeat 5x until he’s a movie star). With almost anyone else you’d think he was a manipulating asshole but with him and the way he looked in the 60s, it’s easy to believe that random women would throw their life away to help him no questions asked.

Wow he wanted his still living dog to be buried with him.

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Definitely worthy of being in this thread.

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Ugh, big fan of Le Samourai, didn’t know until now that the guy was a raging asshole.

what the fuck